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need blood, <4000

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hopefully i posted this under the correct field, sorry if i didn't

hey guys, i am in need of blood or some food to get my blood level up, not asking you to get me all the way healthy, but just enough so i can at least see normal.

i have some things i can trade, but please please don't kill me :(

i'm just south of the nw airfield, if anyone is kind enough to help a fellow survivor out, i would owe you big time.

i can get on skype and chat with you, just pm me your user name and i'll add you. PLEASE PLEASE!!!

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Find matches, wood and hunt. You get 800 blood for every piece of meat you eat. A cow will get you 8x pieces of meat. Do the math and stop whining.

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well thats the problem right now...i have matches, but no knife, or wood, and can barely see, the screen is b/w and has the fuzzy/normal/fuzzy look to it and it makes see very hard. i'm not asking for a complete restock on blood, just something enough for the screen to stop doing that so i can go on my way and get better. geez dude i'm just asking for a little bit of help.

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geez dude i'm just asking for a little bit of help.

I remember doing that once. Now valve in my heart is fucked and my liver really hates me. Guess I learned my lesson,


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...hm, okay?! Can you go troll on someone else's thread now? I get it, you're not going to help, maybe someone else will, maybe they'll kill me instead and grab my stuff, or maybe someone will help... IMO it's worth asking for help when you're down, instead of stumbling along and running into a walker because I can't see crap.

ps...just noticed my username prolly isn't the best for this type of game...my bad, old movie i liked...yeah, I liked cruel intentions...

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lol i don't wish to screw someone over...all i ask for is just a bit of good food to get to above 4k or whatever it takes to stop seeing fuzziness (hopefully not a lot).

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Optimist. Do you think he is going to stay alive very long when you don't let the game force him to learn how to do it on his own.

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"Optimist. Do you think he is going to stay alive very long when you don't let the game force him to learn how to do it on his own."

I think he has a much better chance now... :D

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Optimist. Do you think he is going to stay alive very long when you don't let the game force him to learn how to do it on his own.

You're mean. :L

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You're mean. :L

Love you and you love me, regardless (:

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Optimist. Do you think he is going to stay alive very long when you don't let the game force him to learn how to do it on his own.

wow dude...are you being for real right now? Are you jelly that I got someone to actually help me when most likely in your character you're so afraid of asking for help because you're afraid they're gonna take your stuff?

I know what this game is about...I know that most of the time you have to fend for yourself, but as I also know, the gaming community isn't made up of all douche bags as well. All I asked for was a little bit of assistance, I never asked frostybanana to give me his FAL, or to up my level to 12k blood. He did that on his own good will and I'm very thankful for that. If you think I'm the type of player to just run into a town and attract zombies, then well that's your own opinion, in my case, I'm very caustious, it was just dumb luck that a sniper decided to put me down in this case. That's right another player put me down, not a walker, not a clumsy accident where I fell off a buidling, but a db of a sniper.

I've been searching for a hunting knife and an axe so I can chop down wood and hunt, however I'm not exactly entering big ole cities that have tons of zombies, I'm hitting deer stands and small cities where I have a good line of sight of all the zombies and know I have a decent chance of raiding it, but with no such luck on getting those items. For you to think that I need this game as a lesson to "learn" how to do it, is ubsurd, this game is common sense at the very least, survive and obtain things to help survive is priority one. I asked for help to survive...isn't asking for help in real life the same damn thing? I'm pretty sure I see other threads on this forum from people asking to group up, do you think that if they were in trouble they woudn't ask the other players to help them?

You sir are a troll, and I did learn my lesson, people will help if you ask for it. :D

Goodnight Troll and thank you again to FrostyBanana for helping this "player that doesn't know how to do it on his own"

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Sums up you, this thread and the moderator in question.

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Sums up you' date=' this thread and the moderator in question.


No, you can't respond because you're banned--but you sir are an absolute arse. You were defeated by the kindness of strangers and you must go out with an attempt to insult.

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It's nice to see the community working together but in my personal opinion this is meta gaming... it takes the realism out of the game and I think people need to realise it's like the real world, it will be unpleasant and difficult at times, but it will be fun and easy at other times, it's all part of the Arma 2 and DayZ experience...

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