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The thing about NVGs

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What is it with this "holy" piece of equipment?

So far I've found 3 of them in my whole gameplay time, all of them looted from the corpse of a player

And what I experienced was the following:

Since they are useless at daytime I found myself searching for night servers only as I was 'scared' to run around with them at daytime

Now these night servers only had 3 types of players:

1) Dudes running with road flares through Cherno

2) Dudes hoping for easy NWAF loot with their flashlight

3) Dudes with NVGs hoping for easy kills from 1) and 2)

So what's the point of them actually?

As one can see they are not usable in the "normal" DayZ gameplay, because servers with nighttime are usually empty, excluding 1), 2) and 3)

In the end we have 2 dudes with NVGs shooting at eachother in night, which is the same as 2 dudes shooting at eachother without NVGs at day

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Plenty of people look for loot on servers at night without being tards and lighting up everything around them.

I have killed plenty of people with my NVGs on that I would never have seen otherwise.

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As you say, night is less populated. I turn on my NVGs and I can drive my dirtbike without the headlight on. Easy to run and fetch fuel when nobody's around.

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You are correct OP.

This is the mentality of most players (read: Not all, but most)

Server hop until NVG's found - Once NVG is aquired, play strictly on night time servers (with no moon) so they can use said NVG's to their fullest, while running minimal risk from those without.

I like playing at night, with flashlights, chem lights, the occasional flare here and there, makes it more tense for me and friends I play with, but we have just about zero chance against an NVG player, even when trying to blind them with road flares.

Server hoppers are plenty at night - but the few normal players that exist, are usually the more friendly types, who you can actually team up with, hold a conversation and exchange gear.

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