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New Player looking for a group..

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I've had ArmA 2 for some time now but I'm just a few days into DayZ. I know the basics, but I feel that I can only learn so much solo. I was wondering if there are any groups out there that are in need of some new members.

Some Info:

I'm 22 years old and have been gaming for practically my whole life. As of right now I don't have the heart to kill on sight but this game is still new to me. I'm from the east coast (US) and I have Skype (if needed).

Steam (Player Name) - mFour

Skype - TerranUP

Happy hunting ladies and gentlemen!

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Im looking for some people to play with to my Skype user name is


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Why don't you guys use Teamspeak if you want to join my group and I our teamspeak server is:-

we are usually on Wednesdays and Fridays between 5GMT - 9GMT and on Saturdays between 11GMT - 6GMT

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