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Fog and Nutrition System

Fog & Nutrition Poll  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you like to see done with the Nutrition System?

    • Leave it as it is.
    • Make food rarer, but it fills you up more.
    • Somewhere inbetween.
  2. 2. What would you like to see done about the current Fog?

    • Leave it as it is.
    • Go back to how it was in the olden days (Around 1800m view distance)
    • Somewhere inbetween (1400m View Distance)

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First item on the agenda: Fog.

I think many players will agree that the current Fog in the DayZ Mod is extremely exaggerated and annoying. On a bright sunny day, there is no reason I can't see past 900m.

For me, one of the greatest parts about DayZ is/was not knowing if your being watched, and stalking people myself. Watching a Survivor looting a city through your Binoculars in the rain, spotting some poor Noob's Flashlight miles out, or frantically looking for the lights of a Helicopter you can only hear - Those days are long gone. Now we're forced to look at a Grey wall in front of us ALL the time, even though sun is beating down on us. Surveying the landscape from Devil's castle or Pik Kozlovo isn't even possible anymore.  Hell, you can't even appreciate the beautiful map that is Chernarus. It's all just a Nasty grey wall.

For reference, here's some pictures I took on the Nostalgia DayZ server, which is running the old patch dating from 2013.



As you can see, the fog back in those days started at about 1500m and limited your view to around 1800m. This was perfect IMHO. The only reason I can think of for it changing to what it is now is to slightly increase FPS and to slightly nerf the Zombie spawn radius junk, but I would much rather have a few less frames and be noticed from longer distances than have this current fog system.

The fog COULD be a fun dynamic if it wasn't on all of the time, for instance if the fog would increase during storms, and during the early morning.


Next up, Food.

Why do I have to eat 5 cans of food to fill myself up? This is starting to look like Standalone...

Again, playing on the DayZ Nostalgia server, I remembered the old food system. For newer players, you basically ate one can of food and one can o soda and it would completely fill you up. Although i'm not completely a fan of that system, I do like it more than the current "Eat 5 cans of food and 5 Sodas every 10min to stay alive" shit that seems to be copied from Standalone.

In my perfect world, Food itself would be very rare, but a can of food would nearly completely fill you up, and you would only need to eat every 20-30min. Soda wouldn't hydrate you very much, so Water would still be important. This system is much more realistic, as you wouldn't be finding or needing cans and cans of food during any kind of apocalypse.

To make this system work, animals would also have to be made slightly rarer, which should probably be done anyway.


Anyway, rant over. I just want to say one more thing, though: Aside from the things I've just listed, I fully support pretty much all of the changes the Devs are making, and my hat is off to them for not abandoning this Mod like it's creator so happily did.



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Fog was reset back to the old versions.


Food, Water values and timings have been adjusted see the 1.8.7 changelog. 

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making food more rare would be so awsome! a successfull hunt would be a coup, a fishing pole would be worth its weight in gold and even when having great military gear already, people would eventuelly be forced to check some enterable buildings and smaller villages for food cans, which you would normally just pass since they pose an unnessessary risk. If you manage to find a can then however, it should fill you up for a good amount of time.

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