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black screen with colored lines?

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As soon as the launcher gets the actual game loading, I'm presented with a totally black screen with colored lines where other objects should be.  Text, pictures, even the loadbar for the next screen shows up as a series of green lines.  Everything is still functional (I can highlight buttons and they'll still click) but nothing is remotely visible to be used.  Unfortunately I can't get a picture of the screen, but the spacing of the lines looks very much like this:


|  | |  | |||  | | |  | |


random intervals, lengths, so forth.  matches up with the objects I'm used to seeing on screen, but nothing coherent

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trying that adjustment, but now it wants to get stuck on the checkmark box miniscreen just after the launcher =/

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The lines remain, but I was able to get a pic of it this time.  attaching one of such screens I keep seeing


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While waiting for further input on this issue (which has not come) I decided to force my download of windows10 which hadn't started automatically yet.  oddly enough, the new operating system seems to have fixed the problem.  Weird that I am for once thanking Microsoft's new OSs instead of cursing their creators

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