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HUD doesn't fit.

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*Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED:

>> Steam

*Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?:


*Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file:


*What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible:

>>The HUD is 1/2 chopped off on the RH side of the screen, in Very Small settings in game. Yes, I'm running at my proper screen resolution, at the proper 4:3 setting.

*Your PC specs:


AMD 965 Black Edition

Asus M something or other

Nvidia 250gts

4gb DDR3 ram

*Your Operating System:

>> Win7 pro (64 bit)

*Have you looked at these threads?:


Is there any way to manually resize the HUD or something? very small is the only size that it even shows up on my screen, otherwise its all gone completely.

Thanks in advance!

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I'd rather not play on a lower resolution than my screen

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Stop playing on a graphing calculator display?

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You obviously didn't even try looking at the in game options before posting here. It's in the video options > HUD size

Obviously you didn't read my post. I've tried them all, very small is the only size that it even shows up with.

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Make sure 3d Res and Screen Res are the same value (both %100).

yes' date=' they both match.

Also taking a SS for more info/help


Humm... well, it does seem to fit in my screen shots


it seems part of my whole screen is cut off by my monitor, so its a hardware problem I've never noticed before.

alright, slid the screen over and its all good lol. Sorry bouts that.

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Sounds like you've had the computer set up for multiple monitors or something before? Amirite?

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What resolution are you playing at?

Sounds like you've had the computer set up for multiple monitors or something before? Amirite?

That should be a non-issue. I'm playing DayZ with multiple monitors ATM. I often have live streams, music, or the DayZ wiki on the second monitor. Even if this was the issue then setting the two resolutions to the same thing should fix the issue.

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