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My Suggestions for DayZ

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Hi !

- Slower Zombies (to get the chance to flee from them)

- Zombies can't get through doors

- Zombies can't climb up ladders

- Zombie damage reduced (or that you loose less blood if attacked)

- Maybe new melee weapons

- Zombies Boss mobs (bigger than normal Zombies with loot)

- Weapons and backpacks can't loose in water (this is so ridiculous sry)

The mod is a great idea but some things are still not balanced or just stupid. Good effort, bad implementation ;)


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PLEASE make your THREAD SUBJECT short and *specific* like "Suggestion: More ways to make fire!"... Not "Here is a bunch of stuff I want"

Please read stickies. Basic forum courtesy.

Also, remember everything isn't set in stone.

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I think its not a good idea to write threads for all my suggestions so i made one only .... ;)


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If you use the search button, you can find all your suggestions without you having to post them. Saving you time and effort!

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-Slower zombies: I agree, but only slightly slower. Just enough to make it possible to outrun them after a while. (and I mean a WHILE)

-Zombies can't go through doors: No. Then you could just hide in a building for all eternity with no worries. Maybe if you could bar the door with a piece of equipment that spawns in any building but VERY VERY rarely. Maybe less rare in buildings with more doors.

-Zombies can't climb up ladders: Also no. same reason as the door idea.

-Zombie damage reduced (or that you loose less blood if attacked): No. Zombies don't do that much damage anyway, and if you play the game right, you shouldn't be getting hit by zombies in the first place.

-Maybe new melee weapons: you are possibly the one millionth person to suggest this. The melee weapons in the game now are fine. the only thing I would like to see is the hunting knife being usable as a melee weapon, but does barely does any damage unless you stab your target in the back where it instakills.

- Zombies Boss mobs (bigger than normal Zombies with loot): No. this isn't a fucking RPG or L4D. This a REALISTIC simulation game. (They also technically already have this. it's called another player. they are much more dangerous than zombies and they drop all the equipment they have.)

-Weapons and backpacks can't loose in water (this is so ridiculous sry):This can be turned off by the owner of the server, however, most don't because, realisticly, you wouldn't be able to swim with a backpack anyway.

Conclusion (about you): you want things to be easier. This is not an easy game. It is supposed to be difficult and realistic.

My suggestion to you: go play this game: http://www.deadfrontier.com/ I used to play it when I was nine. Sounds like it's closer to what your looking for in a zombie survival game.

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Hi !

@Peninja: Don't offend me please. Im not 9 years old. And i don't look for another game. My suggestions maybe respected please ;)

And one question to you: This game is realistic ? How can a game be realistic ?...Sorry...i must laugh ;)

A game must be enjoyed...so what about some little changes to make it more "fun" ?


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