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US 137 TG clan server. TROLOLOLOLOL fun.

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So me and a buddy log in to US 137 and immediately I see a guy on a PBX. I for one always enjoy a nautical outing, so when he stopped to refuel, I made about an 800 yard AS50 shot for the kill. After we took the boat we raided his camp up north, which was cleverly hidden on the edge of the map where the water ends. Not much there, a few random supplies and a FN FAL with night scope. 2 out of 5 stars for original hiding places; smashed tents with bicycle; left. At least put them off the coast next time dude!

After that we decided to go check the woods north of berezino. Wouldn't you know it, there sits a bus! We got a M107 and a M249, but it was pretty loaded down with weapons. We assumed this was TG's bus due to the amount of loot it was holding, but I don't know for sure. As we are leaving, we hear an engine in the distance. Thermal scope sees a tractor approaching from the Northeast so we grab flanks to the west and south. We waited for the driver to get inside the bus. He sits in there for a second and right when he exits we light him up. Pretty sure he disconnected as he just disappeared. Although we were getting some bad desync so I cant be sure. At this point we know the cover is blown and that they will move the bus first chance they get. SO we decided to steal it first. We drove it to the beach and tried to see if it would float. It doesnt.

side note: as we made our escape on the pbx, the server "went down", this could be because the hive is getting DDOS'd or because the TG clan restarted it to save the bus. Not pointing fingers at all, but it was certainly convenient. Too bad we saved it in the water....

only got 1 pic as the server went down:


oh wow. I log back in, get in a firefight, and you restart the server again. Real fucking classy.

FUCK YOU AND YOUR BUS. I'll be back and I'll bring more friends... you will hate your life.

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I would like to add to this that we came back to US 137 home of the so called 'tactical gamers' today for a little bit of revenge. We stalked two guys on an ATV and found their loot stacking base east of Novy Sobor. We killed two of the guys and a third escaped on the ATV. We proceeded to camp the area and shot down a few more of their members as they tried to make it back to the camp. We had a secondary group watching our six and saw a guy with an L85 scanning our tree line - another one of their members. Secondary group shoot at him twice, wounding him, at which point he runs behind a tree, bandages and disconnects (We'd have flanked but we were a good 650m out and didn't have time before he d/c'ed). Probably to save that sweet ass rifle, right? Yeah well not only does he disconnect to avoid his imminent death - he then proceeds to try and ghost his way to a vantage point over our position (with any luck after spending 5 minutes somewhat indisposed to consciousness). Before he can get the drop on us though the server is reset.

So yeah, overall great tactical gaming from this clan so professedly playing 'in the spirit of the game'. I start to see why disconnecting dialogues are disabled on your server, enjoy your submarine coach.

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This is funny, because you assume that all of the vehicles belonged to one group, when there is no single 'TG' group. In any case, I was the one who killed whoever was firing off randomly with the Saw. The hive was down that day and kept resetting, and unfortunately the server crashed 10 seconds after I popped you. You guys have no idea what you're doing lol.

edit: the only player who had power to restart the server was on the other side of the map, playing with a different group, and not only would he not give a shit about a bus (like anyone does), it is strongly against his or any of TG's code of ethics to restart a server to gain back any lost gear. Also the player you shot is not affiliated with TG nor was it his fault for disconnecting. Everyone was having connection issues that day and it was difficult to even get into the server in the first place.

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I believe this server reboots every 6 hours. I was DC'ed at 3PM and 9 PM on separate days.

As with any player, disco'ing / ghosting to avoid death in the middle of a gunfight is 100% bitchtitted and lame.

And this is why you don't use a bus:

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The TG servers are never reset to avoid anything. The person in charge of Tactical Gamer itself plays and has a very strict stance on the game and the server. It only goes down every 6 hours as a "refesh". It is never taken down unless there is a major problem. Don't just assume that it was. If you have a problem with the way the server is run stop by our forum and let us know. www.tacticalgamer.com

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As we said, the server restart seemed fishy, but may well have been a happy accident. What wasn't however has the multiple times we've seen your members, or associates disconnecting in firefights and ghosting over the past week. As disconnecting dialogues are disabled on your server it's extremely hard to get pictures - not that i'm making a fuss to get you banned it's simply entertaining that the rules go out of the window when you're faced with the loss of character.

With all (if any) due respect Dredge, I'm not whining to your admins, I'm simply telling the playerbase our experience on your server, hunting your clan.

I would however, like to commend the Cherno overwatch crew for taking their repeated deaths like men, although there may have been one instance of ghosting to retrieve an AS50 it was overall an enjoyable evening.

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I wonder if he is talking about that strange guy stuck on the grain silo. As a guy from the TG server, I saw the ghost on top of the grain silo and was killed for looking at it. I also do work over at Cherno.

By the way, the buses aren't something I see too often. I've only been killed by out-of-towners who found a damaged bus. Last time I saw one, he did a kamikaze into my friend's tractor and killed out with a giant explosion...

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Oh no, he was a bugged corpse, he was there long before and after we arrived at Cherno. The TG guys were on the building behind that when viewed from the north. I'm talking about the mass of TG guys we shot down up there. About 6+.

And Jabes as for the person disconnecting 'not being his fault' - really? Perhaps it's not his fault he was so well geared and put in a position where he was about to lose it? I'm afraid that it just doesn't sit right with your aforementioned ethics. Besides, not to give the game away, but it seemed entirely his fault. Maybe his finger(s) slipped eh? Then he accidentally joined a different server before realizing his mistake and attempting to log back in. Seems legit.

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As we said' date=' the server restart seemed fishy, but may well have been a happy accident. What wasn't however has the multiple times we've seen your members, or associates disconnecting in firefights and ghosting over the past week. As disconnecting dialogues are disabled on your server it's extremely hard to get pictures - not that i'm making a fuss to get you banned it's simply entertaining that the rules go out of the window when you're faced with the loss of character.

With all (if any) due respect Dredge, I'm not whining to your admins, I'm simply telling the playerbase our experience on your server, hunting your clan.

I would however, like to commend the Cherno overwatch crew for taking their repeated deaths like men, although there may have been one instance of ghosting to retrieve an AS50 it was overall an enjoyable evening.


Sorry to hear that the server restarts to steal your thunder, but that happens. And again, you probably won't see a server full of TGers on. We've been having problems with people who've been alt-F4ing that frequent our servers, but us TGers take our deaths when they come, especially when someone hacked the server today and killed everyone on it. I feel sorry for those guys that need to go get new gear, but I was glad I didn't join.

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I was glad for once to be cleaning the basement to make room for my computer and work bench area. Maintaining computers and the space actually saved the day...

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