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Gamers Roost - Tavi and 2 versions of Cherno - Fresh start! Single coins|Advanced trading|Group management|P4L|Eye scan doors|Spawn Moto from box

Whats your favorite mod - of these below  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Whats your favorite mod for Arma 2

  2. 2. What type of Server style do you prefer

    • Vanilla - The less you have the better
    • Vanilla with increased loot spawns
    • Vanilla with walking Zeds
    • Epoch - Vanilla themed - less is more
    • Epoch - Militarized
    • Epoch + Overwatch - Overpoch
    • Overpoch - Militarized
    • Epoch - Vanilla themed - more L3Wtz

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Gamers Roost is not your average DayZ mod experience.

A place to game in a carefree manner where whining, and drama, is highly discouraged.


Open Team Speak TS3.GamersRoost.com

Our Cherno Server is fully militarized and PVP heavy.

100% custom trader city stary 

Custom Super hero and Super Bandit traders, Gem currency and an ore mine to the north west.

Our Taviana 2.0 is OverPoch with an AI island that takes effort, not a run and gun experience.

The server is without the military crap to discourage players who want the "real Dayz Experience" but with a base (And a few 350z's tossed in. :)



We build our servers around the community, we take all suggestions (even if briefly) into consideration and discuss them among the leaders of Gamers Roost.

So read below and see what we have to offer.


BIG NOTE: We DO NOT SUPPORT Abusive Admins, Grieving players and or general Douchebaggery.

REPORT ALL ISSUES TO [email protected]


Here is what all of our servers have:


Fully optimized Mission files



Dual Processor dedicated enterprise level datacenter blade running 4 servers total on VMware ESXi 5.5.

Custom Server 2008 R2 configuration by Enterprise level IT Tech

Multiple SSD's for database and game OS. Platter drives for storage.

1 GB data stream

32 GB of RAM

High FPS no regular Desync / broken chains

Dedicated SSD for Database (no lag buying selling)

15 minute incremental backups as a “just in case”

Low ping to our datacenter in Kansas City Mo. (USA)

Average ping to UK 85ms

Insane loot in all buildings - OverPoch weapons and items



  1. Day/Night cycle EST USA (-5 UTC) 3 hours day, 3 hours night.
  2. 6 Hour restart cycle
  3. God mode bases (all materials) on Military servers
  4. Indestructible locked vehicles on Military servers
  5. Plot Pole For Life
  6. Plot management
  7. Eye-scan Doors
  8. Deploy Old Moto from Toolbox (No Repack)
  9. DZGM  Right Click Radio
  10. Enhanced Spawns HALO from Aircraft
  11. Pick your spawn
  12. Wicked AI 2.2.0 with all new missions and modified loot tables
  13. Pick your Spawn Class
  14. 100 Meter Plot poles
  15. 800 item build limit
  16. Single Coins with no global banking
  17. Advanced Trading with instant sell and buying of multiple items
  18. 1 Step Building
  19. Snap Pro with Vectors and precise placement (saves items exactly where placed)
  20. Self-blood bag with timer
  21. Custom Player UI
  22. Debug monitor
  23. Death messages
  24. Walking Zeds
  25. Remote start of cars with chirp and lights
  26. Safe zone traders
  27. Fuel pumps as loot
  28. Right click binoculars to change view (up to 5K)
  29. Lift Tow selected vehicles (For realism)
  30. Refuel and repair with coins, refuel for free
  31. NO DZE vehicles (Vehicles spawn with Ammo and rearm on Restart)
  32. Change skins with right click on skin item (Stalker skins included)
Edited by GamersRoost
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Happy Friday,

You know this weekend, when your looking for a server to play on?

Well here we are! Come join us!

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I will be back tonight!

Was Tavi just for me ? thanks for putting it up man awesome!

Cant wait! You always bring the heat baby!!!!! haha.

And no, i did it for everyone, on your suggestion lol.

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new server look well, happy you try tavi, but best fun . need players tho


Yes i agree. More players are what will make this server explode.

Glad you like it!

Thanks !

Gamers Roost

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average players last week was 7 . getting there come join us, PVP is fun :D

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