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List of idea's

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Here we go


1. Sleeping (After a few hours say 8-10 hours you player needs to rest up this could either be just sitting down for a bit or sleeping. Or if you have been shot or lost to much blood you can get more tired like you player needs a rest or he will pass out)


2. Learning to shoot (Come on lets be serious after you die or just spawn in on the coast you shouldn't be a marksmen you should be abled to train your player to handle recoil better, load magazines faster and being a better shot)


3. Newer animations (Such as hitting people with the butt of your gun, grabbing people, Blind firing when you take cover and you point your gun over some cover and fire, flashed you cover your eyes and have a 50% chance of falling on the floor when you get flashed by a flash bang meaning the enemy could kill your or handcuff you, bleeding animations, wherever you got shot you would bleed from there, I would think of more but it would take about a hour to finish this thread)


4. Medical treatment (Say if you get shot it would be a 50/50 chance that the bullet gets stuck in you and you need a knife to remove this, BUT this would cause pain, nausea and the possibility of you passing out and if you don't remove the bullet it has a high possibility of getting infected so you would have to amputate where you got shot. Chest/head injuries say if you got shot in the chest depending where the bullet hit it would either kill you (Heart, lungs, spinel cord) Make you pass out or injure you but if you got shot in the head you would die if you where shot in the brain and spinel cord but if you got shot through the cheeks you would not be able to talk but you would be alive.)


5. Zombies (Zombies should eat dead people (until they despawn) they should be much more hostile have the ability to out run you, lung on you and attacks can be more dangerous like if you got hit by a zombie 15 times you would die like in the mod when they where super OP (only add this once they are fixed)) 


6. random supply drops (Remember there's a whole world still out there so some country's may not be affected so they drop cargo (mainly food, water and a few fire arms) like rust a plane should fly by every 7 days IRL so it would not be so OP)


I will be editing it + adding more stuff in a bit                


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Pretty much agree with all of this except the first one. In my opinion tiring should be one mechanic handled by the real-life player (i.e. try playing for 48 hours straight and see how it goes).

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Pretty much agree with all of this except the first one. In my opinion tiring should be one mechanic handled by the real-life player (i.e. try playing for 48 hours straight and see how it goes).

lol ikr

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