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ClanWarfare DayZ Overpoch -

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This is the return of one of Dayz's most popular servers.


Features of the server include:

-Single coin currency

-Self Bloodbag

-Custom map with an AI fortress in the north and a prison in the south west, both spawning loot every restart.

-AI Missions -Lift/Tow

-Take clothes

-Military Outposts around the map

-Safezone Traders with added guns and advanced trading

-24/7 Day/Night cycle

-Animated heli crash sites

-Snap building Pro

-Group system

-Treasure hunt missions

-Spawn bike/mozzie

-Plot hole management


There is also a decent number of heroes and bandits on the server so it is not just a KoS deathmatch- you will meet a friendly people out there :D

If you are looking for a clan just head on teamspeak at:



Server IP is :


Server website is www.clanwarfare.net

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