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Context Stamina

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The name says it. Stamina increases when in danger. Chased by infected stamina gets a small bump. Bleeding stamina gets small bump. More?


Or this could just be called adrenaline. Any thoughts?

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Naw Stamina does not work that way in real life.


Someones physical endurance does not magically increase when under perceived danger. Quite the opposite in fact, shock, and adrenaline reduce fine motor skills and physical performance.


If anything getting shot at and being suppressed should result in sluggish player movement and inefficient player aiming and movement just like in real life.

Getting shot at does not turn you into ussain bolt.

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Good points. I wasn't talking anything about fine motor, being suppressed, aiming.


Simply.... the moments when your chased by infected and you cant sprint because your meters out. Most will find that to be BS. I'm talking about a small surge, nothing major.


Some type of surge at sense of danger would feel natural. You say that's unnatural?


Your saying, when perceiving danger, people cant run away as fast? They run slower?

Edited by Coheed_IV

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