BulletPROZ 5 Posted July 2, 2012 Ok, so the purpose of this post is to list some realistic melee weapons that we can hopefully see implemented in the game later on. Ok so melee weapons that im thinking about are realistic things that u can find almost anywhere, like wood planks, metal rods, baseball bats, etc... Im also hoping that each individual weapon will have its own unique set of damage system, for example, sword will do more damage than bat, sludge hammer will break bones... etc.. We can also add like a strength indicator weapon for when it will break or be unusable. for fragile melee weapons only. Ok so here's my list, and what i think there individual attributes should be. Chainsaw, Requires gas from Jerry can, Noisy but extremely effective. Wood Planks, can be found very easily, do minimal amount of damage, But maybe can be upgraded to a nailed Plank for more damage.Baseball bat, minimal damage also can be upgraded to a nailed bat. House knifes, swords/katana, and Swiss army knifes which can be found in homes. all individually effective, swords have longer range, house knifes do less damage, Swiss army knifes faster swings. Rocks which can be found almost everywhere and picked up almost anywhere. can be used to swing at things or thrown a given distance. Gutars, nightsticks, fry pans, cricket bats, Golf clubs, tire iron, all of which are commonly found. If you guys think of other cool melee weapons please list them, basically anything common. I really think that Melee weapons should be looked at more than guns in this game because realistically melee weapons are more common. Also give me a comment on what you think about this post. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deviant (DayZ) 43 Posted July 2, 2012 Oh I'm sorry, for a second I thought we were talking about Dead Rising.Melee items are so limited in usage that they are almost useless to use. The only purpose of melee weapons right now is the novelty value.Using guitars, fry pans, cricket bats, etc is completely ridiculous.I'd say, keep it simple. Swords, planks, golf clubs etc would be as useless as empty tin cans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BulletPROZ 5 Posted July 2, 2012 Oh I'm sorry' date=' for a second I thought we were talking about Dead Rising.Melee items are so limited in usage that they are almost useless to use. The only purpose of melee weapons right now is the novelty value.Using guitars, fry pans, cricket bats, etc is completely ridiculous.I'd say, keep it simple. Swords, planks, golf clubs etc would be as useless as empty tin cans.[/quote']I completely disagree with that. Melee weapons are not useless, in fact i would feel 100X safer with a melee weapon than no weapon. melee weapons can become a serious factor to this game based on how we choose to look at them. i think that melee weapons are just as effective than guns in there own way. obviously they cant beat guns but they can be used to kill individual or small groups of zombies effectively. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 14 Posted July 2, 2012 Nice idea. I would like to suggest though, as it is in the vein of being realistic...the melee aspect in terms of sporting equipment and tools if not outright weapons be kept in line with those you would expect to see within an Eastern European state?Non Eastern European Katana's,nightsticks,cricket bats,golf clubs and baseball bats would be in the " utterly as rare as rocking horse shit " category.Most Eastern European States are very heavily rural and farming area's which would provide a vast selection of farming implements and tools, any self sufficient local would have tools in his shed or house to repair or build what he requires.Tools, easily found.Sledge Hammers and MalletsPickaxe Handle's Shovel or SpadeCrowbar Wrecking bar ( crowbar on steroids )Axe and HatchetsGolok ( curved type machete ) or similar itemPoliceThey use good old fashioned truncheons out here, not nightsticks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BulletPROZ 5 Posted July 2, 2012 Nice idea. I would like to suggest though' date=' as it is in the vein of being realistic...the melee aspect in terms of sporting equipment and tools if not outright weapons be kept in line with those you would expect to see within an Eastern European state?They use good old fashioned truncheons out here, not nightsticks.[/quote']I completely agree with you, i live in the west so im not to families with there style of living utility's. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stoop_Kid 2 Posted July 2, 2012 I'm a huge advocate of players starting with a limited-durability melee weapon. Like you said, who doesn't have at least one item in their home that they'd pick up if a zombie apocalypse went down? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfsburg62 66 Posted July 2, 2012 I want a fucking riot shield, how sick would that be? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BulletPROZ 5 Posted July 2, 2012 I'm a huge advocate of players starting with a limited-durability melee weapon. Like you said' date=' who doesn't have at least one item in their home that they'd pick up if a zombie apocalypse went down?[/quote']Your right, just in my house alone i can think up of so many melee weapons here... Also i was just thinking, and this is not a joke, buy adding some sort of pellet rifle which can be used to kill small animals and hurt larger ones. because i own a couple of pellet rifles and i am pretty sure they can be common in farm areas where they kill birds and stuff that eat crops. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites