[email protected] 0 Posted June 7, 2015 (edited) **************************************************************IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT********************************************************Hello Again Everybody. It is with ever growing issues with our Servers and money issues right now that we are dropping. Our Arma 2 Overpoch Server. If we ever bring it back up will be something that is extremly advertised. Bangarang76. Hello Ladies and Gentlmen. I am brining you a fresh new server with active admins and a Realitvely low Player base as of this moment. Players are welcome to join build bases wreck noobs. Make fantasic alliances and dredded enemies. In this world of chaos that we call Dayz End. Full PVP no PVE we dont caitter to small children who dont know how to play and we do not treat Donators with special treatment you just dontated money to the server that is all. but again FULL PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER ENVIROMENT. Server Ip: Teamspeak 3 Ip: Ts3.R2clan.com Currently We have advance trading in along with the coin system. You put your money in safes and not in server side banks. Personaly i like the safes better but note you should change you coins in to breifcases. :D :D :D :D May your stay in our Server be glorius and prospurious. Plot pole's are 200 meters. build limit is around 750 items.Working on getting tow/lift plugin added. Self Blood Bag and We have a custom script only known to us. Meaning our server is the only server that has this script/Plugin. This script/Plugin Allows you to build Building with gems so say you get anobsidian gem Saphire gem Topaz Emerald Citrine Amythest*Castle Wall * Big sand bag Nest * Tow Tripod Low * Spot Light * Concret Ramp *Castle Tower*Castle Wall With Window * Dragons Teeth * Stinger Pod * M2 Machine Gun * Water Pump*Castle Gate * Medium Tower * Zu 23 aa * DSHKM Gun * Long Metal Ladder*Half Circle Castle Wall * Large Tower * Igla Pod * M2 Scoped * Dirt Rampert*Concret Dam * Large Metal Roof * DSHKM Low Gun * Deep Concret Ramp*Water Basin * Fuel Tank * Kord gun * Raised Wood Wamp*Gas Station Over Hang * Sand Bag Tower * Kord Gun low * Short metal Ladder * Metal Shack * Mk19 tripod low * Castle Stairs * Metal Gaurd Tower * Spg9 tripod low * Small Wooden Ramp. Obsidian cost 4 breifcases to build anything in that list. Saphire 2 breifcases. Topaz 5 briefcases. Emerald 3 briefcases. Citrine 2 briefcases. Amythest 12 briefcases. Server staff. Atf_Tomato Slice Owner. AplhaComando Co-Owner. Zarx Head Admin. Bangarang76 Admin. Blackrazor Admin. Edited August 29, 2015 by [email protected] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites