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How to easily set up US434's global chat feature

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I made a simple how-to video to show people how to use US434's global forum chat in the Steam Overlay while playing.  They've removed side chat and provided this as an alternative (in addition to their TeamSpeak server at ts.us434.com) and I think it's a great idea.  DayZ Europa has the same feature.  I think more servers should take this approach.


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i always wished there was a way to just disable VON for side channel specifically as a server setting. side/global text In-game is a nice feature that should stay imho. sad to see more servers going to clunky Out-Of-game systems :(

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I wouldn't call being constantly bombarded by blue text of people trolling and griefing a nice feature.  It also really cheapens the game when people call out player positions and what not.  434's chat feature is hardly clunky.  Very easy to set up and use.

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the blue text never bothered me. it was there from day 1 and i was always fine with it. i do wish as a former admin that there had been a way to turn off voip PER CHANNEL so that direct would still work but side/global would be text only. as i remember the server.cfg only had a Voip completely disabled option.


The biggest annoyance is not being able to clearly see my game while text chatting (steam overlay) nor can i simply hit enter and resume control of my character 'instantly' if i hear or see something. aside from that the smack talk and flame-baiting between clans always made for good entertainment on long hikes :P

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