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DayZ Mod 1.8.7

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This is the rolling Development change log for 1.8.7


[New] - Added Shovel to replace etool eventually 

[New] - Water bottles can now be emptied.

[New] - Crowbar & BaseBat can now knock out a player if hit in the head.

[New] - Preset system for variables. (Custom,Classic,Vanilla,Elite)

[New] - dayz_nutritionValuesSystem Variable to disable the current nutrition system in vanilla (part of the preset system).

[New] - Loot spawning system.

[New] - PKM light machine gun.
[New] - New weapons: L110A1, UK59, RPK
[New] - New attachments:
    M4A1 ACOG
    M16A4 ACOG
    G36C ACOG
    SA58 RIS, CCO, Holo, ACOG, flashlight (RIS required for other attachments)
    M240 CCO, Holo
    L110A1 CCO, Holo
    RPK Kobra, PSO-1
[New] - New magazines:
    50 round UK59
    75 round RPK
    100 round M249

[updated] - added 200 extra thirst values to all sodas.

[updated] - Negative effects for rain and night time temperatures.

[updated] - Cleaned up animations.

[updated] - Cooked meat nutrition values updated by 300 points, Raw food updated to be half of the cooked values.

[updated] - Ai seek and Movement systems.

[updated] - Tinned foods by 300 points of nutrition.

[updated] - Slowed down Water & Food consumption, (Food is consumed faster then water).

[updated] - DMR scope is no longer compatible with nightvision goggles.
[updated] - PK magazine model.
[updated] - Loot balance
[updated] - Mi17 hitpoints for glass.
[updated] - Camera shake when inpain or low on water updated.


[Fixed] - Fixed an issue with zed global numbers.

[Fixed] - Crossbow flashlight for models (Crossbow_CCO_FL,Crossbow_Scoped_FL).

[Fixed] - Config class issue with PDW_DZ

[Fixed] - Matchbox's are given a random amount on spawn.

[Fixed] - Dismantle message showing item,chance,replacement items too Item Name

[Fixed] - SVD Ghillie icon and name

[Fixed] - Changed Winchester RPM from 60 to 120.
[Fixed] - Changed MR43 RPM from 30 to 600.
[Fixed] - Jumping is now possible while unarmed.
[Fixed] - Weapon is now automatically raised again after getting off of a ladder.
[Fixed] - Opening gear while holding a pistol no longer causes the player to get up.
[Fixed] - Dropping pistol while having no primary weapon no longer causes player to get up.
[Fixed] - transitions between kneeling rifle and kneeling unarmed.
[Fixed] - BE kick for m4a1 pickup from POIS.
[Fixed] - Humanity reward for giving epen and morphine to others.
[Fixed] - Tripwire Traps should now work correctly.
[Fixed] - Dropping primary weapon while kneeling and having no sidearm no longer causes the player to get up.
[Fixed] - Using the DShKM on the offroad no longer turns on the engine
[Fixed] - Antibiotics can now be given to remote players
[Fixed] - Temp solution to the missing magazines sync issue.
[Fixed] - Hit point issues with SUV,ATV's
[Fixed] - Missing magazines on login.
[Fixed] - Setting fire to tents no longer takes the hole box of matches.
[Fixed] - Mozin Sound falloff and recoil.


[Removed] - Backpack fix for ammo.

[Removed] - Base Building removed from stable build.

[Removed] - The need to have transfusion Kit for any type of transfusion.

[Removed] - Achievements.

[Removed] - FnFal burst firemode.

[Removed] - Permanent fire Place

These Changes will only effect development builds and will be removed during stable builds while we continue to get everything working.

[New] - Build Lock. (Development Builds Only)

[New] - Metal fences can now only be destroyed from pipebombs.

[New] - Damage on metal fences is now synced too database.

[updated] - Moved working values for food & drink outside the loop for the gate breakin system. (Development Builds only)

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[Fixed] - Fixed an issue with zed global numbers.


This should give better fps for players and give control back to server admins to limit zed counts.

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[Fixed] - Crossbow flashlight for models (Crossbow_CCO_FL,Crossbow_Scoped_FL).


Updated configs for the crossbow to include the flashlight class.

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[Fixed] - Config class issue with PDW_DZ


Replaced UZI_DZ with PDW_DZ in the loot system to correct the missing config class.

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[Fixed] - Matchbox's are given a random amount on spawn.


This should fix an issue where all matchbox are spawned with 5 in them.

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[New] - Water bottles can now be emptied.


[Fixed] - Changed Winchester RPM from 60 to 120.

[Fixed] - Changed MR43 RPM from 30 to 600.

[Fixed] - Jumping is now possible while wielding a pistol and while unarmed.

[Fixed] - Weapon is now automatically raised again after getting off of a ladder.

[Fixed] - Opening gear while holding a pistol no longer causes the player to get up.

[Fixed] - Dropping pistol while having no primary weapon no longer causes player to get up.

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[New] - Build Lock

When activated by the owner of the fence this will remove the option to upgrade and disassemble the fence until unlocked again. (does not effect maintenance).


[Fixed] - Updated Fences owners of fences will only be able to snap to other fence panels they own. (make sure only one person builds foundations so your team can build the fences sections up)


This should stop players adding fences then using an exploit to gain entry.


[Fixed] - Object collision, fences will no longer be able to be overlapped, Other objects like tents will no longer be able to be placed in rocks and stones again.


This should fix a few issues we have been seeing with objects.

This is a temp fix until we have finished the 2nd iteration of the fence system. Id like to say thanks to the community for helping us get a clear picture of how you would like the base system to work 

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[updated] - added 200 extra thirst values to all sodas.


Increased all sodas base thirst values by 200

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[updated] - Negative effects for rain and night time temperatures.


Rain from 1.5 to 0.5
Night from 2.5 to 1.5


[updated] - Cleaned up animations.


Done a basic cleanup of the animations file


[Fixed] - transitions between kneeling rifle and kneeling unarmed.

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[New] - Crowbar & BaseBat can now knock out a player if hit in the head.

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[New] - Preset system for variables. (Custom,Classic,Vanilla,Elite)

This should allow admins to clearly say what settings there servers are running within the server title.


[New] - dayz_nutritionValuesSystem, Variable to disable the current nutrition system in vanilla (part of the preset system).

Added as part of the Custom,Classic presets.


[updated] - Cooked meat nutrition values updated by 300 points, Raw food updated to be half of the cooked values.

[updated] - Tinned foods by 300 points of nutrition.

[updated] - Slowed down Water & Food consumption, (Food is consumed faster then water) 

Updated the nutrition values to make it less of an eating simulator.


[updated] - Ai seek and Movement systems

Hopefully improved movement updates for the AI


[Fixed] - BE kick for m4a1 pickup from POIS

Removed hidden items in the POIS

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[Fixed] - Humanity reward for giving epen and morphine to others.

This should now reward players for giving morphine / epen to others.

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[Fixed] - Tripwire Traps should now work correctly.

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[New] - Loot spawning system currently in testing.

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[New] - PKM light machine gun.


[Fixed] - Dropping primary weapon while kneeling and having no sidearm no longer causes the player to get up.


[updated] - DMR scope is no longer compatible with nightvision goggles.

[updated] - PK magazine model.

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[New] - New weapons:





[New] - New attachments:

    M4A1 ACOG

    M16A4 ACOG

    G36C ACOG

    SA58 RIS, CCO, Holo, ACOG, flashlight (RIS required for other attachments)

    M240 CCO, Holo

    L110A1 CCO, Holo

    RPK Kobra, PSO-1


[New] - New magazines:

    50 round UK59

    75 round RPK

    100 round M249


[Fixed] Using the DShKM on the offroad no longer turns on the engine
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[Removed] - The need to have transfusion Kit for any type of transfusion.


[updated] - Mi17 hitpoints for glass.


[Fixed] - Antibiotics can now be given to remote players

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[Fixed] - Sharpen Knife.

[Fixed] - Throwable Objects will now distract AI (Long as they have no traget already)

[Fixed] - Replaced Land_Panelak buildings in Cherno with Land_Panelak2 due to ladder glitch (adds 1 floor)

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[Removed] - Achievements.

[Removed] - FnFal burst firemode

[Fixed] - Missing magazines on login.
[Fixed] - Setting fire to tents no longer takes the hole box of matches.

[New] - Metal fences can now only be destroyed from pipebombs.

[New] - Damage on metal fences is now synced too database.

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[updated] - Camera shake when inpain or low on water updated.


This change should make the camera shake a bit less violet when trying to aim your weapon while in pain or low on water.

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