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Any german speaking players to join or group up with?

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hi there,

i´m searching for some players to group with, or to join a already existing group. i´m 22 and really like mature teamplay. i played OFP, ARMA :( and ARMA2 and since two weeks i´ve got it again with OA and just right got into dayz. in this weeks i´ve got much experience in dayz ( at least i think so ;) )

would be nice, if there´s somebody out there who´s interested. i´m also intersted in english speaking clans/ groups, but my spoken english, espacially in the rush of combat, isn´t very well but understandable at least. In reading and listening i´m pretty comprehensive, so you shouldn´t have to worry about that i can´t understand. it´s over four years ago i left school and have to speak english. so please have mercy xD


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Im also searching for a german group who wants to teamup.

Feel free to PM me or add me on Steam.


Ich suche auch eine deutsche Gruppe der man sich anschließen kann.

Schreibt mir ne PM, oder fügt mich bei Steam hinzu.

Steamid: PipiInDeAung

Ingame: #Blackburn

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Hey Guys,

i'm german too and looking for survivors. it doesn't matter if german or not but i think we could team up, then we'll have a group that shares a timezone and language. I just finished Abitur so i got nothing to do for a while basically.. I'll be online from tomorrow morning onwards. As soon as i'll get online i'll post the information on which server i am here, and here's my info:

Steam: findecan

Ingame: Jan

hit me up, i'm looking forward to having a group. Would be cool if we had a ts3/vent server in the end..

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hi me and my clanmate looking for a german group too

ingame name Sodom

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Okay so i'm online and playing on DE4.. but i have to switch servers maybe cause of connection issues..

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I'm also looking for some german mates as I'm a total noob but too scared to go out there alone :P

In as well as out of the Game (and Steam): Bastimoo

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Hey guys (or girls),

I'm looking for an active german group or clan. I'm used to TS3.

I don't care whats on the plan, just a mission/target and action (doesn't mean "shooting around like kid"). I can't stand doing nothing.

So if you're an active german group/clan/community whatever with some people playing together, pls PM with TS3 address and I'll join. Ingame-Nick is like forum-nick.

Thanks in advance.

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looking for a clan or group to team up with. I'm german and a total newbie in this game and currently trying to figure out how things work in the DayZ world ;) I would appreciate someone or a group to pick me up and give me some advice :)

My ingame Nick is Tobi


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