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We must have been traveling the edge of the forest along the road for an hour. I watched the rear, and every few minutes he told me he'd cover me as I moved up. The two of us were working in perfect unison. He was the point man leading me along this world I'd yet to trek, and I was his cover. Every person that showed up was spotted, and most times we both agreed to hide and let them pass us. It wasn't worth it, he'd insisted. And though he had offered me friendship under the premise of being as 'new' as I was... I knew who was greener.

We continued the trek, finding nothing, but hordes and corpses. A few clips for our pistols here, and an empty Winchester there. Finally he'd found the ammo, and requested the empty rifle I'd picked up along the way. "Trust me, next weapon is yours regardless of what it is." He promised me. So reluctantly I offered the weapon. As we entered the next town we noticed a group of three enter a small building, I thought of course, he'd offer the same course of action. Run, but no. Not this time, the rifle in his hands had driven him slightly mad with power. "We can take them, you go first, step in then run out. Bait them for me." He'd wanted me to be a pawn, a tool to be sacrificed so he could acquire their items. "No..." I insisted, there was a better, cleaner way. We'd wait for one to separate, kill him, and take his goods while the others tried to discern what had happened.

It hadn't even been twenty minutes of them searching before they came out. Two went down the road to search other buildings... The third remained inside. My companion eagerly trotted into the building, and bangs were all that followed. I'd waited outside to see what the other two would do. They simply fled into the nearby forest, perhaps afraid they were next. As I slowly worked up the courage to enter the building I noticed my friend kneeling over the corpse of the man he'd been so eager to rob. I also noticed the Winchester rifle on the ground. The same rifle he'd convinced me to relinquish. In his hands was an assault rifle, the gun he'd promised to me.

"What are you doing?" I asked trying to sound curious, "Pick..." Bang. There are no friends, just enemies we choose to keep close.

I swore up and down I'd not kill another player unless I "had" too. A few hours in and that changed quickly. This mod is seriously something else. Just thought I'd share my experience!

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Never group up with a person that you don't know, or that isn't on ts..

I only group up if I have my starter kit , or have them on TS , otherwise its bullet to the head.

Im not a bandit , but Ill kill anyone that comes close .

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Never group up with a person that you don't know' date=' or that isn't on ts..

I only group up if I have my starter kit , or have them on TS , otherwise its bullet to the head.

Im not a bandit , but Ill kill anyone that comes close .


Would you kill your mum if she gave you a cuddle - aww didums :P

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