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NEW community - Fully Private cloud servers

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   Gamers Roost

is a startup gaming community that seeks to create a more relaxed environment. A place to game in a carefree manner where whining, and drama,  is highly discouraged.


Gamers Roost is not you average DayZ experience.

Our Cherno Server is fully militarized and PVP heavy.

Our NapF is OverPoch without the military crap to discourage players who want the "real Dayz Experience" but with a base (And a few 350z's tossed in. :) .



We build our servers around the community, We take all suggestions (even if briefly) into consideration and discuss them among the leaders of Gamers Roost.

So read Below and see what we have to offer.

BIG NOTE:: We DO NOT SUPPORT Abusive Admins, Grieving players and or general Douchebaggery. REPORT ALL ISSUES TO [email protected]



Here is what all of out servers have:



Fully optimized Mission files

Dual Processor dedicated enterprise level datacenter blade.

Custom Server 2008 R2 configuration by Enterprise level IT Tech

Multiple SSD's for database and game OS. Platter drives for storage.

1 GB data stream

32 GB of RAM

High FPS no regular Desync / broken chains

Day/Night cycle EST USA (-5 UTC)

God mode bases (all materials)

Indestructible locked vehicles

Low ping to our datacenter in Kansas City Mo. (USA)

Average ping to UK 85ms

Regular server events with awesome rewards

Custom Shoot house to train in.

50 player slots

Wicked AI 2.2.0 (BETA)  with modified loot tables

Insane loot in all buildings - OverPoch weapons and items

Plot Pole For Life with Plot management

Eye-scan Doors

Deploy Old Moto from Toolbox (No Repack)

DZGM  Right Click Radio

Enhanced Spawns HALO from Aircraft

Pick your spawn

Pick your Spawn Class

100 Meter Plot poles

800 item build limit

1 Step Building

Snap Pro with Vectors and precise placement (saves items exactly where placed)

Self Blood Bag with timer

Custom Player UI

Debug monitor

Death messages

Walking Zeds

Safe zone traders

No generator needed for fuel pumps

Right click binoculars to change view (up to 10K)

Lift Tow selected vehicles (For realism)

Refuel and rearm

NO DZE vehicles (Vehicles spawn with Ammo and rearm on Restart)

Change skins with right click on skin item (Stalker skins included)

Active admins

Open Team Speak TS3.GamersRoost.com


Edited by GamersRoost
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To be perfectly clear on this advert.

We are building a "new" community. We have low population, and with this communities help, we can change that.

The claims in the advert are real, awesome performance, coupled with fun admins, and diverse player group (geographically speaking)


Hope to see you guys on, and thanks for checking us out. Please feel free to suggest things for the admins at www.gamersroost.com

 or via email at [email protected]

Thanks again!


Edited by GamersRoost

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We are building a "new" community. We have low population, and with this communities help, we can change that.

The claims in the advert are real, awesome performance, coupled with fun admins, and diverse player group (geographically speaking)


Hope to see you guys on, and thanks for checking us out. Please feel free to suggest things for the admins at www.gamersroost.com

 or via email at [email protected]

Thanks again!


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How about that new Chernarus Overpoch  non militarized server?

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Added Single currency (Zupa's build) with Advanced trading menus. Instantly buy upto 12 items at once.

Mission AI have coins on them as well.

Mission vehicles are locked, the keys are on a random AI.


NON militarized restarts are 6 hours


We offer a small welcome kit on the non mil epoch

  Gamers Roost

is a startup gaming community that seeks to create a more relaxed environment. A place to game in a carefree manner where whining, and drama,  is highly discouraged.


Gamers Roost is not you average DayZ experience.

Our Cherno Server is fully militarized and PVP heavy.

Our NapF is OverPoch without the military crap to discourage players who want the "real Dayz Experience" but with a base (And a few 350z's tossed in. :) .



We build our servers around the community, We take all suggestions (even if briefly) into consideration and discuss them among the leaders of Gamers Roost.

So read Below and see what we have to offer.

BIG NOTE:: We DO NOT SUPPORT Abusive Admins, Grieving players and or general Douchebaggery. REPORT ALL ISSUES TO [email protected]



Here is what all of out servers have:



Fully optimized Mission files

Dual Processor dedicated enterprise level datacenter blade.

Custom Server 2008 R2 configuration by Enterprise level IT Tech

Multiple SSD's for database and game OS. Platter drives for storage.

1 GB data stream

32 GB of RAM

High FPS no regular Desync / broken chains

Day/Night cycle EST USA (-5 UTC)

God mode bases (all materials)

Indestructible locked vehicles

Low ping to our datacenter in Kansas City Mo. (USA)

Average ping to UK 85ms

Regular server events with awesome rewards

Custom Shoot house to train in.

50 player slots

Wicked AI 2.2.0 (BETA)  with modified loot tables

Insane loot in all buildings - OverPoch weapons and items

Plot Pole For Life with Plot management

Eye-scan Doors

Deploy Old Moto from Toolbox (No Repack)

DZGM  Right Click Radio

Enhanced Spawns HALO from Aircraft

Pick your spawn

Pick your Spawn Class

100 Meter Plot poles

800 item build limit

1 Step Building

Snap Pro with Vectors and precise placement (saves items exactly where placed)

Self Blood Bag with timer

Custom Player UI

Debug monitor

Death messages

Walking Zeds

Safe zone traders

No generator needed for fuel pumps

Right click binoculars to change view (up to 10K)

Lift Tow selected vehicles (For realism)

Refuel and rearm

NO DZE vehicles (Vehicles spawn with Ammo and rearm on Restart)

Change skins with right click on skin item (Stalker skins included)

Active admins

Open Team Speak TS3.GamersRoost.com



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