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Storage is full? Adding more items to it? Omnomnom your gear is delicious

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Honestly, this has got to be changed. Backpacks full? Omnomnom your gear. Tent's full? Omnomnom your gear. Car's full? Omnomnom your gear.

At least, with backpacks, you can see the remaining inventory space you have so it can be managed. Cars? Nope. Just poofed the whole contents of my bag transferring items to my car. It was full. Was there any sign or feedback telling me the car's full? Nope. Omnomnom.

Unless this happens to be an engine limitation with ARMAII and nothing can be done about it, why is this issue still pending?

Thank you.

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We know. Rocket knows. Everyone knows.

Complaining more isn't going to do anything. We already know.

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Often you can find the "eaten" items on the ground around the vehicle/tent/whatever. Search around in a 10 meter radius and you'll find them sometimes.

Another tip is to carry around a junk weapon or item (Makarov, cans, etc), and then place that item inside to insure it isnt full each time. Place can, can isnt eaten, remove can, place Morphine, and so on.

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