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Uncle Zed

KillinZedz Dayz Mostly Vanilla server - New server, New database!

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Introducing the KillinZedz Dayz Mostly Vanilla server! A brand new server located in VertHosting's Montreal datacenter. This server will give a good connection for both US and EU players alike!

This server is (almost) 100% vanilla. The only thing that doesn't make it pure is a very MINOR starting loadout. Players start with a machete, a bandage and a painkiller. There's still lots to be done to get a bambi settled.

Other settings:

Spawn selection enabled.
Side chat enabled.
Veteran settings, except crosshairs are turned off and death notices are turned on.
24/7 daylight, starting at 10am and going to 2pm (4 hour restarts with warnings)

There are no additional buildings or AI on the server. No missions, no modified zedz, just 100% (Ok, 99.9%) pure Vanilla fun! Looking for a new place to start over? Why not give us a try! We also host three Overpoch servers that are very militarized if you want a change of pace from Vanilla Dayz!

Visit us at http://killingzedz.net.

Edited by BetterDeadThanZed

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We've had a good showing of new players, so be sure to swing by and check us out!

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Hey man, great fun with a new server.


Question: why do you call it vanilla when it isn't? Very confusing for players in general.




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The only thing that isn't vanilla is the very minor starting loadout. It's close enough.

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That's a server setting that is adjustable in the server config like turning off crosshairs or setting the UTC offset. It's not a mod or added script.

Edited by BetterDeadThanZed

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If its not a setting we allow to be changed its not vanilla if you wouldn't mind removing the vanilla string it would be appreciated.


Inventory control is not something we allow to be set you have to alter the code.


We cant force you to do anything its just a request.

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Original post updated. Decided to remove the beans and water from starting loadout because it's easy to find good and water.

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Hey everyone. The server's passed my Overpoch servers in Gametracker! Glad to see people enjoying the server! Swing by and check us out!

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