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Mr Shades


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The game used to work great, I have not been playing it for a while. I have had to unplug and plug my computer for various reasons in the past few months when I have not been playing DayZ. I have had this problem for a while and never knew how to fix it. Basically, I have motion blur and all the settings correct, but there is still an overall blur on my screen and play.


I was told it might be the resolution, but I have no idea how to fix this. If I need to provide my monitor specs, I can. Please help!



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I dont know man, im not terribly educated on this subject, but i can answer how to change your resolution.

You want to go to C:/users/myuser(your name)/documents/DayZ/ once in here right click on the file DayZ.cfg and open it with Notepad or Notepad++, some sort of word editor. Now once in this you will see Resolution_W and Resolution_H, change these to your wanted resolution, such as 1920x1080, or 1280x720 There is also rendering resolution(Render_W and Render_H), which does not need to be the same as your normal resolution, but improves the quality of the game if it is higher, but the higher it is, the lower the fps.

Edited by Reptarr

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I dont know man, im not terribly educated on this subject, but i can answer how to change your resolution.

You want to go to C:/users/myuser(your name)/documents/DayZ/ once in here right click on the file DayZ.cfg and open it with Notepad or Notepad++, some sort of word editor. Now once in this you will see Resolution_W and Resolution_H, change these to your wanted resolution, such as 1920x1080, or 1280x720 There is also rendering resolution(Render_W and Render_H), which does not need to be the same as your normal resolution, but improves the quality of the game if it is higher, but the higher it is, the lower the fps.


Changed to 1920x1080 then launched, still blurry text and overall. It's like there is a blurry glow over everything, and also there is alight green outline that is an inch thick around my monitor.



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