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DayZ mod visibility on the DayZ subreddit

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With the release of 1.8.5 the mod is getting some visibility on the DayZ subreddit.  Someone posted the 1.8.5 changelog which has gotten a lot of attention (pretty rare for mod related posts to not get downvoted to oblivion in /r/dayz).  I decided to make some posts with info on installing the mod and finding vanilla servers since it's still really confusing for newcomers.  I'd encourage any of you with a Reddit account to go check these posts out and engage people and upvote for visibility.  There's a big DayZ following on Reddit and there's potential for a lot of people to realize how fun the mod is and possibly try it out if they see what it offers and how easy it is to get up and running.  It would be great to see a resurgence of vanilla DayZ mod players due to some discussion on /r/dayz!

Here's links to the posts:
PSA: Easiest method of installing DayZ Mod
PSA: Link to a list of VANILLA DayZ mod servers

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I just love how the mod is gaining alot of attention again.


Things are changing!

Edited by vinyljunkie
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