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Uncle Zed

Killin Zedz Overpoch Wasteland servers! Chernarus! Napf! Takistan!

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Killin Zedz, the community that brought you the KZ Survivalist Mod has now transformed all of our servers over to all new "Overpoch Wasteland" servers. What is "Overpoch Wasteland"? Well, keep reading and you'll find out! Visit us at http://killinzedz.net






New players to the servers can get a "Bambi Box". This is a small box that contains some items to allow you to build a small secure area to store some items to start off with. You must register on our forum and request the box in the Bambi Box forum topic (http://free.killinzedz.net). We also frequently place vehicles around the map for players to find and keep. If you post a welcome message in our forums, you can get a free 10oz of gold on one of the servers and posting a review of our servers also gets you another free 10oz of gold!


What is Overpoch Wasteland?


Overpoch Wasteland is your standard Overpoch server with special customizations that have been influenced by the Wasteland mod for Arma 2. Here are some of our server features:


Traders: All traders are 100% customized with all new levels and humanity based access. There are several different traders to choose from. Each restart there are two Tier I and two Tier II weapons traders that dynamically spawn around the map. They are in a different place each restart. On Takistan, there are no trader cities. Instead traders are scattered throughout the map. The trader cities on Napf and Chernarus are completely customized and designed by me.
Survivor Supplies: This trader sells basic goods that every survivor needs, except for weapons and vehicles. He also deals in gems so once you are ready to buy an armored vehicle (See below), you'll be able to trade with him.
Seaside Sally: Buy a fishing boat and a fishing rod and fish in Napf's and Chernarus' ocean or head north on Takistan and go fishing in the big lake! Take your catch back to shore and sell it for gold!
Vehicle Parts: Vehicle parts can be purchased at any vehicle trader, including the helicopter and airplane traders.
Civilian Vehicles: These unarmed vehicles are your basic mode of transportation to get you around the wastelands. On Napf and Chernarus, you can purchase these same vehicles in their upgraded forms. If you'd like you can purchase upgrade documents for them from the trader. 
Armed Civilian Vehicles: Armed vehicles for self defense and engaging the bandits. Your humanity must be at least 5000 to interact with this trader.
Military Vehicles (Unarmed): Basic military vehicles without arms or armament. Your humanity must be at least 7500 to interact with this trader.
Military Vehicles (Armed): The best vehicles you can buy. This includes basic military vehicles like the humvee M2 and the armed BTR-40 to armored vehicles like the LAV25, or even the M2A3 Bradley. Just know, that if you want an armored vehicle, you'll need to trade a lot of briefcases to get the gems needed! Your humanity must be at least 10000 to interact with this trader.
Tier I weapons: These are the basic survivor weapons. Weapons without sights or other fancy attachments. Anyone can buy these weapons. 
Tier II weapons: These weapons are better than Tier I. They tend to have attachments like scopes and grenade launchers. You need 10000 humanity to interact with this trader.
Tier III weapons: The best weapons available. They are high end military weapons and well worth the price. Your humanity must be at least 15000 to interact with this trader.
Unarmed Helicopters: You can buy a helicopter to get you around faster here, but your humanity must be at least 15000 to interact with this trader.
Armed Helicopters: All the standard Epoch armed choppers are available here, to include some not standard ones like the AH64D and KA52. Again, the high end choppers aren't cheap and will require you trading lots of briefcases for some gems. Your humanity must be at least 25000 to interact with this trader.
Airplane Dealer: You can go here to buy a nice AN-2 or Cessna for a relaxing flight around Napf, or for the more adventurous and wealthy players, you can buy yourself an A-10 of maybe even an F35B. A humanity of 15000 is required to buy any planes.
Bandits (AI)
We are utilizing Dayz AI (DZAI). Bandits have spawn chances in every town and village on the map. In addition, there are dynamic AI. Dynamic AI may take up to 1 hour to reach their maximum chance to spawn on a player, then that chance remains there for 2 minutes. If none spawn, then their chance resets. There's a chance they will hunt the player and even call in reinforcements. Bandits can have both standard Epoch or Overwatch weapons. 
There's a chance that a helicopter will drop a party of 3 - 7 bandits on almost every city, town and village, so keep your eyes on the skies and watch out for airborne bandits!
Bandit bases exist on all three servers and are static. Once all the bandits have been killed, they will not spawn again until server restart. Some bandit bases are protected by armed vehicles. In the NEAF on both Napf and Chernarus, you'll find an anti-air vehicle patrolling the airfield. Napf has a beefed up AI presence at the Suhrenfeld Array with two land patrols and a heli patrol. On Chernarus, bandits have taken over Fort Stary, a custom base built by me located just north of Stary Sobor.
I have set up Dayz Mission System (DZMS) to run several missions. Some of them are custom made and others are pretty standard missions. I've chosen the best missions for each map and made customizations for each map as well. Some have custom static missions that spawn in the same place all the time.
We also run Wicked AI for it's mission system. The skills have been adjusted to match those of DZMS but these missions are a little more dangerous, with MG emplacements at all the missions!
Random roadblocks also spawn around every map. This consists of several AI, an armed vehicle and H-Barriers blocking the road. They spawn in a way that if you see the roadblock, it's usually too late, so keep an eye out!
Installed mods
Random starting loadout. Start with a random skin, pistol, primary weapon, light source, food and drink. You also start with a map and a radio, as well as a few basic medical supplies. The weapons will be a tier 1 Epoch or Overwatch weapon.
Snap building with vector building. Use the F key to snap building parts. Tilt and rotate building parts to create whatever you desire!
Free maintenance. Bases are free to maintain. Just look at your plot pole and select the maintain option.
Indestructable bases. Bases can not be destroyed. 
Walking Dead Zombies. The zedz move slowly, but they pack one hell of a punch! Stay away from them, as they can kill you in one shot.
Enhanced deployment. Deploy a Mozzie or Gyrocopter using metal poles, scrap metal and more. Recover the parts when you disassemble it.
Shortened day/night. A 24 hour cycle happens during a 4 hour server cycle. Combined with clear skies, the server transitions smoothly.
Vehicle pointer/locator. Slammed down a few extra pints last night and can't remember where you parked your SUV? No problem! Just right click on your key and you can find it easily!
View distance increasing. Use binos or range finders to increase your view distance. Right click on either and change your distance.
Weapons attachments. Add and remove attachments from weapons. Right click on the weapon in your inventory for options. As of this post, this only works with Epoch weapons. The Overwatch weapons are not included.
High end currency. Trade briefcases for gems, which can be used to purchased high end vehicles.
Random artillery bombardments. In a town looting and suddenly hear air raid sirens? You have 3 minutes until the shelling of the town starts!
Vehicles. All vehicles are available as spawned vehicles except for the high end military vehicles, airplanes and boats.
Towing and lifting:  Vehicles can tow vehicles depending on their size. For example, you can not tow a Ural with a sedan. Lifting is also enabled, with enhancements to Epoch's built in system, so you are required to have one player on the ground to sling load the vehicle. Locked vehicles can not be towed or lifted.
Anti-Salvaging: If a vehicle is locked, it can not be salvaged.
Self Bloodbag: Ok, not really a mod, just a server setting, but you can self blood bag!
Deployable Mounted Guns . With a Tripod Bag and one of several mounted gun bags, you can deploy a mounted gun, such as an M2 machine gun or even a MK19 grenade launcher!
Server media
FOB Novy Lug (Chernarus):
Custom trader on Napf:

Napf Helicopter trader:

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