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Rolling Changelog 1.8.6

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This is the rolling Development change log for 1.8.6


[New] - Attachments can now be removed.

[New] - Added new permanent fireplace system for base's.

[New] - Added models for GPS as well as AK-47, SA-58, G17 and Bizon magazines.

[New] - Added working nutrition values to melee fire system.

[New] - Added new An2 Variant

[New] - Added New UH1H_DZ Variant.

[New] - Vehicles now have a respawn delay after being destroyed.

[New] - Gates ca now be dismantled by its owner.

[New] - Combination lock added to replace the current lock.

[New] - Herbal Drink Recipe (chance to clear infection).

[New] - Antibiotics have updated to be a multiple use system.

[New] - Random spawn system for Antibiotics and matchbox's

[New] - Added GP-25 HE, smoke, flares to loot spawns

[New] - Added 30rnd AK74 SD mag to loot spawns

[New] - Able to sharpen knifes now.


[updated] - Weapons on the back of players now go into the players body on death.

[updated] - Food consumption rate has been slowed down to give a better balance.

[updated] - Weapon & Attachment overhaul. (Still WIP during the dev builds)

[updated] - Logs and Planks can now be used as fuel in fires.

[updated] - AntiWall hack has been fixed.

[updated] - Viral zeds now have a chance to hold a box of antibiotics holding 1 tablet.

[updated] - Hospital loot has been updated replacing the old antibiotics with a box of 6.

[updated] - InfectedCamps has been updated replacing the old antibiotics with a box of 2.

[updated] - Lowered fog intensity.

[updated] - M1014 can now use 2 round MR43 magazines.

[updated] - MP5, PDW, L85 and M16 can now only use their respective magazines (STANAG for L85).

[updated] - M249 can now only use M249 belts and STANAG magazines.
[updated] - Cleaned up binocular view. http://i.imgur.com/Q98t5Nd.png


[Fixed] - During upgrade of a tent the placed should no longer move during the upgrade process.

[Fixed] - Re-added level 7 ghost model for fences.

[Fixed] - Achievements system updated everything should now sync correctly.

[Fixed] - Removed annoying benches from barracks. (again)

[Fixed] - Experimental spawn system for vehicles. 

[Fixed] - Tent models.

[Fixed] - Dragging while unconscious is now working again.

[Fixed] - Humanity bug.

[Fixed] - Splints running wrong file.

[Fixed] - Ammo duping/Refilling on skin change

[Fixed] - Added missing melee weapons to zed damage system ("Fishing","BatNailed")

[Fixed] - Changed FN FAL full auto back to burst after it was changed by new Arma2OA beta.

[Fixed] - Server child 306 damage updates will no longer be called for each vehicle for the first 10 seconds of the vehicles life.


[Removed] - Legacy attachments have now been removed from loot tables.

[Removed] - SledgeHammer from mineStone system

[Removed] - Removed SA58P from loot spawns

[Removed] - Burst mode from SA58.

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[updated] - Food consumption rate has been slowed down to give a better balance.

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[updated] - On death any weapon on your back will no longer drop to the ground but will now go inside the body inventory.

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[Fixed] - Re-added level 7 ghost model for fences.

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Weapon overhaul


Weapons and their attachments. Attachments can be attached in any combination.


AK74 - Kobra, PSO-1, GP-25 grenade launcher, suppressor

AK47M - Kobra, PSO-1

DMR - Ghillie


G17 - Flashlight, suppresor

G36K - suppressor

G36C - CCO, Holo, Suppressor

M4A1 - CCO, Holo, M203 grenade launcher, flashlight, suppressor

M9 - Suppressor

M14 - CCO, Holo, ghillie

M24 - Ghillie

M40A3 - Ghillie

M249 - CCO, Holo

M1014 - CCO, Holo

Mk48 - CCO, Holo

RPK74 - Kobra, PSO-1

SVD - Ghillie

AKS-74U - Kobra, suppressor

MP5A5 - Suppressor

M16A4 - CCO, Holo, M203, flashlight




Changed G36A/K scope to a more realistic 3x magnifiction. Previous was 4x. http://imgur.com/a/P1i7Y#6

Improved AK47M, AK74 and RPK74 iron sights. http://imgur.com/a/P1i7Y

Increased M1014 rate of fire to a more realistic 220 rpm from 120 rpm.

Changed zeroing on AK47M, AK74, RPK74 to more realistic adjustable 100m - 1000m range with 100m increments.

Changed M249 and Mk48 zeroing to a more realistic adjustable 300m - 1000m range with 100m increments.

Various visual improvements to weapon models.

M4, G36, AK-47M, SA-58, M9 and G17 can now only use their respective magazines.

All suppressed weapons can now use normal ammunition in addition to subsonic.

Improved AKS-74U and Bizon iron sights. http://imgur.com/a/P1i7Y#8

Changed zeroing on AKS-74U iron sights to selectable 350m / 500m.

Changed zeroing on Bizon iron sights to selectable 50m - 150m with 50m increments.

New icons for suppressed magazines.




M9 SD now reloads correctly.

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[updated] - Logs and Planks can now be used as fuel in fires.

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[New] - Added new permanent fireplace system for base's.

[Fixed] - Achievements system updated everything should now sync correctly.

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Weapon overhaul update.


AKS-74U - Kobra, suppressor


M4, G36, AK-47M, SA-58, M9 and G17 can now only use their respective magazines.
All suppressed weapons can now use normal ammunition in addition to subsonic.
Improved AKS-74U and Bizon iron sights. http://imgur.com/a/P1i7Y#8
Changed zeroing on AKS-74U iron sights to selectable 350m / 500m.
Changed zeroing on Bizon iron sights to selectable 50m - 150m with 50m increments.
New icons for suppressed magazines.
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[Fixed] - Removed annoying benches from barracks. (again)

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[New] - Added models for GPS as well as AK-47, SA-58, G17 and Bizon magazines.

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M16A4 - CCO, Holo, M203, flashlight


added to weapon overhual

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[New] - Added working nutrition values to melee fire system.


This means using melee weapons will now eat into your food and water values.

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[Removed] - Legacy attachments have now been removed from loot tables.


We have also updated all classnames for these attachments to be broken Make sure to get rid of them if you have they have no use.

Added - New An2 Variant.



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[Fixed] - Experimental spawn system for vehicles.

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[New] - Vehicles now have a respawn delay after being destroyed.


This will allow the game to flow much better knowing a vehicle wont respawn for say 12 hours after its been destroyed.

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[New] - Gates can now be dismantled by there owner.

[New] - Combination lock added to replace the current lock.

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[Fixed] - Dragging while unconscious is now working again.

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[Fixed] - Humanity bug.

[New] - Herbal Drink Recipe (chance to clear infection).

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[New] - Antibiotics have updated to be a multiple use system.


The first time you use there is a 50% chance of the count starting.

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[updated] - Viral zeds now have a chance to hold a box of antibiotics holding 1 tablet.

[updated] - Civilian zeds now have a chance to hold a box of matches holding 1 matche.

[updated] - Hospital loot has been updated replacing the old antibiotics with a box of 6.

[updated] - InfectedCamps has been updated replacing the old antibiotics with a box of 2.

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[Fixed] - Ammo duping/Refilling on skin change

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[Fixed] - Added missing melee weapons to zed damage system ("Fishing","BatNailed")


This should allow the nailed bat and fishing pool to kill zeds in one hit.

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New] - Spawn system for Antibiotics and matchbox's.


Antibiotics will now spawn with random amounts. Matches Will now spawn with random amounts.


[Removed] - SledgeHammer from mineStone system.

Removed the right click option to mine stone this might be added back at the next patch once the mine script script has been updated.

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Added GP-25 HE, smoke, flares to loot spawns

Added 30rnd AK74 SD mag to loot spawns

Removed SA58P from loot spawns

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