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Welcome to the city...

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This is a little random but I just want to quickly contrast living in the north for weeks then heading down to electro.


The north; peaceful, tranquil and beautiful landscape with loot to be found, not much death.


The city; big, scary, zombies everywhere, still plenty of loot yet stumble across a pile of human bones and remains, a landmine and a chainsaw all in one structure... a little terrifying...


Any thoughts?

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Stay north if you can, unless you find an AK or M4 then go kill bandits on the coast


Only wandered down because I'm a little bored by myself up there, got a beautiful akm, mosin, revolver and sawnoff at the moment (far more than i need).

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I've always liked that feeling of tension when you approach Berezino or Elektro after spending a lot of time up north. You've probably been ambling about from town to town fairly care-free up to that point, but as the distant crackle of gunfire gets louder, it really puts you on edge. "This is it."


I hope coastal deathmatching isn't completely eradicated by survival-based gameplay balance changes over time, because it's an important and valuable dynamic.

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Cities are for chumps, just stay up north.

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Found two players up north today. One looked like he killed a few guys at NWAF. I swooped in and stole an AK74U from the scene of the crime. Other guy stumbled into my group at Zelenogorsk military base during the night. Fired warning shots in his direction and we all bugged out.

The key to finding players up north is to move slow, and hang around high priority zones. Finding players is even harder on 1pp servers, but can be done. Running around as fast as you can from town to town, as I assume most players do, is a bad way to find people. If you're the guy going slow, with his head on a swivel, you'd be amazed what you can find. Especially on private hives!

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In agreement with Dagwood, it's much easier to notice things when you're moving slowly. When you're healthy and doing alright, give yourself the luxury of time - it will pay dividends.

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