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About Zombie Numbers

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You see, increased zombie numbers = realism. If there was a city that got infected there would be more then 10 zombies, there would be hundreds.

A village or town itself would have a good amount too, not as insane though.

Now you may be thinking "This is a video game, it doesn't need realism."

What this game manages to achieve is realism, you have to eat food and drink water or else you'll suffer. You have to bandage your wounds up to stop bleeding. The game manages to achieve realism and needs to continue on towards realism.

Saying you don't want this game to have realism would mean Rocket would have to remove eating, drinking, blood, and more. (Which I doubt you'd want that to happen.)

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I don't mind playing with others but the main problem is if you just spawned or end up alone, you are fairly screwed as there are so many zombies now it becomes impossible some times to move into an area.

Even worse is if you spawn next to a town, take about 5 steps and BAM, 10 zombies are on you.

The less zombies was actually a lot more fun to play. your teamwork went very well, everyone wasn't wasting ammo to kill of 20 of them and the new player/spawner/lone wolf could still get into the game and have a awesome time because you didn't have to deal with huge amounts of zombies.

I would vote put it back to what it was before.

Personally right now, my character is screwed, I am low on ammo and alone, but I can't move into any area because I do not have enough ammo to survive trying to look around for more. Before the change, I wouldn't have had a huge problem but I still could have. Now it is garunteeed I cannot succeed.

realism is fine, but there needs to be a balance in there, like either the zombies are worse at hearing you or will give up their chase some how, or can't open door and climb ladders. Least then you could sprint to some place and shut the door and hope there is supplies to help you to get out. Or if the zombies can't see you for a while after you enter the and shut the door, they'll forget about you and wander away.

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I read a lot of posts from players who consider the upped zombie numbers 'awesome

Why did you create a new thread if there are a lot of them already? Why not just reply in the existing threads with same topic? Now this topic is scattered all over the place' date=' and your new thread makes it even more scattered.

You could had for example replied your opinion of this subject in one of these threads:

The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

New zombies are great!

Good zombie amount.... with more ammo?

Finally, zombies in between towns!

Why more zombies is just what this mod needs

More Zs = <3

Patch 1.5.7 and this being an Alpha and fucking zombie spawns

I just think the forum becomes very messy and hard to read if everyone posts a new thread about the same subject.

It seems you didn't read OP's post. His core topic is about playing as a lone wolf, and how it counters the more general view point of other players who play in groups. This isn't directly about there being more zombies, this post is about how the "lone wolf" type player is now finding it less fun to play. One of the attractive qualities of the mod is being able to survive, however there is a threat this mod could turn into a cluster of squads tanking through towns and annihilating... that's not "surviving" in the least, that's conquering... which IMO is not the point of this mod.

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Prone = Pretty much entirely invisible to zombies.

I was a bit intimidated at first as I decided to do the whole "lone-wolf" thing for a while with the increased zombie count... But once you learn to sneak around a zombie infested town with prone, you gain a bit more confidence as it's actually rather easy.

It's very easy to get trapped prone with zombies at all angles if you're not careful though, so always be very aware of your surroundings ;).

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It seems you didn't read OP's post... This isn't directly about there being more zombies' date=' this post is about how the "lone wolf" type player is now finding it less fun to play. One of the attractive qualities of the mod is being able to survive, however there is a threat this mod could turn into a cluster of squads tanking through towns and annihilating...[/quote']

You really did put it better than me! Appreciated, even if we won't win this one.

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I play as a lone wolf and love the extra zombies. I thought the game was challenging before(I started in 1.5.6), but now it's actually hard. I had an interesting experience last night in Kamenka. I died earlier in the day and spawned a new character. I took my Makarov and proceeded to search the town for something better. I found a m1911(never seen one of those before), picked it up and somehow my Makarov and the all of my clips disappear into oblivion. Too add to it, my m1911 had no clips with it. I was left with crawling all over town until I found a Winchester with some ammo(glad there was some there). It was a fun, and scary experience when I realized I didn't have any ammo.

My point being, I love the lone wolf experience in this game and it is very playable as is. I just wish stuff would drop to the ground, not to oblivion. :D

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I know most people seem to prefer the higher Z count and most people tend to play in groups.

I solo only. The learning curve for staying alive with a large number of zombies nearby is pretty steep' date=' but once you learn, it becomes manageable. It's mostly about using appropriate tactics for the situation -- waiting for wondering zombies to pass by, distracting a group of zombies with smoke or whiskey bottle, minimizing your exposure to other zombies if one does agro on you, etc. Even the best solo players can have a run of bad luck, end up kiting a dozen zombies, and dying. That's just the nature of a rogue-like game though.It can be frustrating getting past the learning curve, but it's that much more rewarding when you do.

Yes, I'm whining like a bitch - and I'm sorry for that. I'm on a losing side of the argument and I'm sad to see the game I enjoyed slipping away...

I don't think you are whining, but I think your premise is wrong. You enjoy the game and think you can't enjoy it anymore with the higher zombie. My assertion is that you will eventually enjoy it more than you did with the lower zombie count if you hang in there and learn from your mistakes.

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I think everyone can agree and compromise that the number of zombies is good, and that having them outside of cities as well is also good. Small towns should have far less zombies than major cities. zombies as well as loot should take an hour or so to respawn. It would add to the immersion and would stop this loot piling, you would have to search for it.

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I think everyone can agree and compromise that the number of zombies is good' date=' and that having them outside of cities as well is also good. Small towns should have far less zombies than major cities. zombies as well as loot should take an hour or so to respawn. It would add to the immersion and would stop this loot piling, you would have to search for it.


I only agree with the first sentence. I think we need more zombies all over.

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More zombies all over yes, but there should be more zombies in cities or military bases than small rural areas. Zombies and loot should take a while to respawn or else your constantly having to shoot zombies and people loot pile which kind of breaks immersion.

If we wanted to balance this out for the map, we would have 3-4 zombies per building with some scattered into the forest and wilderness areas. We would also have more at military bases because it is likely the military tried to set up refuge areas and got overrun in the early days like in movies.

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The higher zombie count is definitely a good thing, and I agree that there should indeed be more - however there definitely needs to be some tuning along the way. A good example of what I mean:

After travelling through the woods for about 15 minutes due north near the west end of Chernarus, my partner at the time and I come across a lone farm house in the middle of a vast field. There is no town in the immediate area from what we can see, and expect things to be fairly quiet at this house. After closer investigation though, we see that there are about 20 walkers all around it, forest to one side, vast open field all around. The house cannot even be entered.

Conversely, there have been times where I come across a small town with absolutely 0 zombies in sight. There are no signs of recent zombie slaughter, however the town is completely empty. (I suspect this may be related to another issue though...)

Point being, more zombies are great as long as they're tuned appropriately by location.

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I'm playing alone in total. Since last update zombie number is perfect. Now i can feel some hardcore while trying to get into the some house in the middle of town/village.

Keep it please. Now bandits must watch their back with more attention then before and think twice before start shooting.

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I play as a lone wolf and the extra zombies are ruining my experience. It's tough enough trying to survive with my supplies randomly disappearing and the inventory/loot is being unresponsive, let alone spending all of my ammunition to clear out one area for lackluster loot.

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I think new players that started last patch (1.5.6) who are against the current zombie numbers are really going about this the wrong way. Understand this: zombie numbers were never meant to be that low, it was a bug. Most people who started 1.5.5 and prior were getting pretty bored with the trigger happy newbs running around main cities with no sense of danger and no threat for repercussion.

With that said, instead of writing an ENTIRE post again, I will quote myself from a previous one...

1. USE MORE QUIET WEAPONS WHEN YOU ARE ATTEMPTING TO SNEAK AROUND. A makarov which you start with, is the most quiet handgun I have encountered (certainly more quiet than a 1911 or Mag Revolver). Try to select your battles carefully: scout the area, wait until you have a clear shot to the head with some good distance away from any large group of zombies, and take the shot. Just DON'T take the shot with an Enfield, for example... Even better, don't shoot at all, sneak. It works, it really does. Do you think, in a real apocalypse, you'd run around the middle of a town firing off your pistols when you have absolutely no clue who or what is inside one of those houses/buildings down the road?

2. YOU KNOW THOSE EMPTY TIN CANS AND WHISKEY BOTTLES? PICK ONE OR TWO UP. You can use tin cans and bottles to distract zombies. Yes, if you press 'F' while you have one in your inventory, you will see the option to 'Throw'. Throw them in the right spot, it'll lure a zombie away from your path and you can continue your sneaking/looting mission.

3. CONSERVE YOUR AMMO. There really is no need to be playing COD Hero in this game. In fact, you are now finally learning how to actually survive in a world where ammo, food and safety is scarce. This is the zombie apocalypse. Do you think, in a real apocalypse, you'd run around the middle of a town firing off your pistols when you have no idea when you will find your next clip?

4. GROW SOME BALLS. Yeah, not much I can elaborate on here.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is, the mod started out being pretty hardcore. I remember dieing 4 or 5 times when I first started, but each time was intense and a learning experience. Since then I've been full on survival mode, and I've been able to live for several days on a single character (and I'm talking about BEFORE the low zombie bug was in place).

Please don't tell me about how HARD it is to sneak around town and how HARD it is to get loot. Last night, I went into Cherno alone on a brand spankin' new character. The city was obviously HEAVILY zombie infested, I easily encountered/saw about 80 zombies. I was able to sneak by all the way to the church, market, fire station, hospital, and some random open buildings. There were zombies EVERYWHERE. I used my brain, I threw bottles, cans, etc. I only opened fire once, and it attracted a mere 3 zombies. How? I used my trusty makarov, and my position was such that I KNEW it wasn't going to be a huge fight. How did I do this? I scouted out the town from a distance, I checked my corners before moving. I OBSERVED and made smart decisions based on my observation. I had PATIENCE, which is one one of the things that drew me into this mod early on as well, the need to be patient. 4 well placed Makarov rounds, 3 zombies were down and I continued on my way.

I went into the city with a Makarov. I came out of the city alive and well, only getting hit once, with a tent, ALICE pack, Magnum, G17, Enfield, knife, compass, matches and plenty of ammo.

Just learn to use your wits.

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