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lock boxes, vaults, gun cabinets.

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With respect to military spawns perhaps something to look into going forward is the creation of vaults that when opened will yield better and more high tier/ grade weapons for players to use. In the millitary we store the bulk of our weapons in big locked vaults with only whats needed being issued out. Also any extra weapons are locked up in storage racks in camp. Every military has diffrent rules about weapon acountability but i think seeing more of those lock/ storage systems would make the lockpicks more useful and also add a new dynamic to aquiring military grade weapons plus add a treasure hunt type of system.

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You're right about what you're saying. World containers,as these are, are set to be worked on during this quarter of the year, so we might see something like this in the near future.

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Would go hand in hand with ideas like wanting to make the CR527 popular.


Oh hey, a safe or cabinet in someone's home. Maybe you're lucky and have a way to open it and you're all set. There's a rifle with a magazine or two and some ammunition.

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With respect to military spawns perhaps something to look into going forward is the creation of vaults that when opened will yield better and more high tier/ grade weapons for players to use. In the millitary we store the bulk of our weapons in big locked vaults with only whats needed being issued out. Also any extra weapons are locked up in storage racks in camp. Every military has diffrent rules about weapon acountability but i think seeing more of those lock/ storage systems would make the lockpicks more useful and also add a new dynamic to aquiring military grade weapons plus add a treasure hunt type of system.


You're right about the weapon storage, but this is the apocalypes. It is verry likely that the soldiers have fought the infeted and were overrun.The poor guys were killed or turned into infected themselfs leaving their guns behind were they died. It is also likely they armed every civilan they could to fight the infection so there would be no guns left in the vaults. This is just my take on this but you might find this video interesting:



Edited by HomerJay27

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Thats why yeah their be should scattered weapons, like how it is now, but big caches of persay lmgs, rockets and fully automatic rifles.Enough to gear up a 20 man clan, would be a tantilizing reward and thats what i envision.

Also their would be some caches that would be unused due to zombies overwhelming the base and also in a zombie scnerio uninfected humans and ammo are more valuable than weapons, so if they retreated especially in the early days of the infection large groups of weapons would remain. Also some miliatrys store older weapons to either has as backups or to destroy and for parts. Lots of old c7's (m16) are put in indefinite cold storage or to be sold/ given to other nations or to have as replacment parts.

Edited by uther419

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