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sneaking from zombies obsolete?

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I remember when all i would do was crawl my way from point to point. Now, however, it seems as if running past a town and aggroing 10 zeds and lose them in a barn is the way to go since the zombie detection is still somewhat broken.

Do you think sneaking past zombies is obsolete?

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If im running to somwhere, it is nice to be able to lose the zeds on the way. When infiltrating a town I will still sneak.

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Aggroing zombies is as good of a way to get yourself killed as shooting them. Making yourself a really easy target for other players.

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I sneak too, right up until a magical zombie spots me through a building, around a corner and down the street. Then I shoot him, stand up, run into a building and kill 10 more. It's become my MO.

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I did get cocky after the update and started running into towns and cities to raid for supplies, then trying to loose them in the houses. This resulted in the loss of a lot of beans to zeds who didn't even need them (thanks to the amount of human flesh i had been feeding them).

so back to the sneaking

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Sneak until accidental aggro, then ditch the zeds in a building, creep out the other side like nothing even happened. Most times I'll be quick and check the loot of the building to see if it's worth coming back to when the zeds leave.

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