[email protected] 0 Posted July 2, 2012 A few words about me: I'm a casual player, by wich I mean I have a full-time job and various other real-life obligations as well as other interests, but I'm still able to set aside time for prolonged DayZ sessions. I have a well developed, if somewhat quirky, sense of humor, but that doesn't prevent me from taking the game seriously when I play. I do not have a military background, nor am I a weapon fetishist. I do have a fairly decent head for strategy and like to play the game in a careful and deliberate way.In-game I play the role of a survivor. I do not kill other survivors unless I have good reason to think they are a direct threat (and, unlike some players, I do not claim that everyone I can spot through the scope of my rifle is a threat). I essentially play a "good guy", the sort of guy who would like to help even a stranger in need. Of course, I mostly do the smart thing and just stay away from other players.I'd prefer to play with people more or less my age, though the important thing here is a certain maturity of mind rather than chronological age. I don't care what nationality you are, though your physical location obviously matters with regards to ping. I'm located in Norway and play mostly on Norwegian or Swedish servers, but I can generally play any European server with very little lag. I speak English, Norwegian and some German.If you read all this and think I'm the sort of guy you'd enjoy occasionally teaming up with, or if you've already got a group that you think I'd make a fitting addition to, let me know. Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maizel 1 Posted July 2, 2012 Hey man, how are you?I'm 24, Dutch, and looking to Team up as well. I'm not hardcore into this game, and don't play it days on end, but we can team up, if you'd like? I'm afraid it's just me, and not a whole possé :PI got access to a teamspeak server as well, if you'd like. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted July 2, 2012 Hey man' date=' how are you?I'm 24, Dutch, and looking to Team up as well. I'm not hardcore into this game, and don't play it days on end, but we can team up, if you'd like? I'm afraid it's just me, and not a whole possé :PI got access to a teamspeak server as well, if you'd like.[/quote']Maizell, thanks for your reply! Check your inbox, I sent you a PM :-)EDIT: You might have received two or more subtly different PMs from me, sorry about that. Had some connection problems when sending the message. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DukeVroom 0 Posted July 2, 2012 G'evening!Been playing DayZ for a while now, and have become somewhat knowledgeable about the game, but I've been running solo the entire time, and been wanting to try out a group, and this seems like a good place to start!I'm 21 years old from Denmark.If you're interested in letting me tag along, send a PM.Enjoy! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Prnkstr (DayZ) 0 Posted July 2, 2012 Greetings the lot of you...A 27 year old from Oslo here, and I'm kinda looking for someone like minded to play with as well. Playing the lone wolf roaming the countryside for stuff is fun and all, but I would love to actually team up with someone, and I've been far to paranoid to just group up with strangers in the game so far. Whenever I see people, I tend to back out as stealthily as I can...Traits:- Paranoid carebear....if you are in my good zone, you're golden:)- Can play pretty much anytime this summer and plenty of time to spare should we decide to stick together come fall- Have a good mic and a stable internetconnection.- Decent lay of the land when it comes to the dayz map after spending too many hours just flying around in a heli for fun in Arma2.- Fairly decent fps player...- ...but patient enough to spend 40 minutes stalking and sneaking into a potential hostile zone.- Speaks English and Norwegian...So if this looks good just let me know:) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ED-E 4 Posted July 3, 2012 Hey guysI'm 28 years old from Denmark.I've been playing alot the last couple of weeks. Only solo so far, but I've really been wanting to group up, but the fact that everybody seems to be killing each other on sight has made me isolate myself in the woods an small villages. I usually play on Norway 1, 2, 3 and 4 for awesome ping, and not to crowded servers. About my playing style:- I try to avoid any contact - Meaning I don't shoot at others just to do it. Defeats the purpose of the game IMO.-I'm somewhat paranoid when playing - always expecting running into a hostile.- I prefer the role of the sniper, providing overwatch and cover from a distance while the group infiltrate and loot. I'm a pretty good aim, and I'm very patient.Could be very nice to group up :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GhostProject91 1 Posted July 3, 2012 Hey im 21 and from norway, iv'd like to team up with all of u. Been doing some lonewolfing for a long time now. Really paranoid :sSkype: Aleksander.holmliSteam: Hailstormx91Basic info about dayz xp: I start of running to military spawns and gear up fast, then camp in the woods with the occasionally town run for supplies. Preffer the role as overwatch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted July 3, 2012 Well, apparently there are several of you who are interested in teaming up. I've sent all of you PMs with my Skype username.I'm not looking to set myself up as the leader of some sort of clan here, for that I have neither the time nor the inclination, so feel free to communicate and make arrangements amongst yourself as well. The way I see it, we have quite a few people here who'd like to team up, and there's no need for everything to go through me. If you make arrangements to play with someone, feel free to inform the other participants in this thread so that they can join in if they wish.To make matters simple, though, I propose the following plan to start with: - I will try to get online tomorrow (Wed. 4/7) at around 12 noon and stay on for several hours. How long I stay on depends entirely on how much fun I end up having. I'll probably be playing on Norway 1.- I'll keep Skype open for anyone who would like to get in touch. -I realize those of you who have "normal" jobs probably won't have time to play in the middle of the day on a Wednesday, so we'll just keep this casual: I play with whoever shows up, those of you who can't make it will hopefully make it some other time. As long as we stay in touch, there will be plenty of other opportunities. I figure we can use this thread as well as Skype to arrange further sessions.What do you think? Anyone up for joining me tomorrow?EDIT: I would advice against posting Steam and Skype usernames in public posts. Use private messages for exchanging personal information.EDIT 2: Removed a line saying that some here are "a tad young". It was unneccessary, came off as somewhat condescending and seem to have given at least one person the wrong impression. I certainly didn't want to offend anyone and I'm fully aware that even teenagers can be mature despite their youth. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DukeVroom 0 Posted July 3, 2012 Even though I'm one of the younglings, I'm looking forward to teaming up with you tomorrow. And if any of you other fine folks are game during the day, just ask away (in the thread or over PM).Be seeing you!~Duke Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Remix (DayZ) 14 Posted July 3, 2012 I love it how 21 years old is too young by your standards. This thread comes across as some kind of desperate relationship plea where you all list your character traits and interests. It's a video game mate, I'm sure someone who is 21 is mature enough to be remotely accessible to play with. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Prnkstr (DayZ) 0 Posted July 3, 2012 Ill be there:) This is so happening... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yiddus 0 Posted July 3, 2012 Hey there.Nice to hear about you and your ambitions within this game.My name is Aidan, also known as Yiddus here on the forums, in game and on Twitter. I am located in the Netherlands. I am 20 years old, I have been playing DayZ almost since its first public release. I take the game quite seriously, concerning surviving. I am a patient player and already play with two friends, located in the UK and in Beglium. We are quite casual players, despite taking the game seriously. We all study or have jobs. However this doesn't affect our relationship in the game, we have great teamwork and we have almost made it to the top of the leaderboards on multiple occasions.Please contact me here on the forums or find Yiddus on twitter to contact me, I'll be more than happy to add another survivor to our team. (We communicate over Skype). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted July 3, 2012 I love it how 21 years old is too young by your standards. This thread comes across as some kind of desperate relationship plea where you all list your character traits and interests. It's a video game mate' date=' I'm sure someone who is 21 is mature enough to be remotely accessible to play with.[/quote']I think you've chosen a somewhat unreasonable interpretation of my words, but you do have a point. I certainly don't want to come across as condescendingly ageist, and I probably shouldn't have implied that some here are "too young". The only reason I care about age is that I think I am more likely to have something in common with people closer to me in age. It's not only about "maturity", though that is part of it. That being said, there are people who at the age of 16 are wiser and more mature than some others ever become in a lifetime.Anyway, I do hope I haven't offended anyone, and I still hope to see as many of you as possible tomorrow. Some have already indicated they'll be there. Should be fun :-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NorwegianBadger 0 Posted July 4, 2012 Hei15 år gammel spiller her, har litt erfaring med DayZ, men har klokket inn rundt hundre timer i Arma 2 som sniper. Trenger et team.mvh. NorwegianBadger Share this post Link to post Share on other sites