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Self handcuffing

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OK, so we can handcuff someone. Great. However when playing solo current restraining system is useless. You want to handcuff a guy? Great! You say don't move, then try to handcuff him and he just run away/punch you in the face or something. There should be option to handcuff yourself (only with handcuffs ofc). This would make handcuffing useful (in my opinion). Another thing is there should be option to open handcuffs if we have key. Lets say a guy forced us to handcuff yourself (dropped handcuffs on ground, instructed to use them on yourself and was aiming at you all the time), then said that he don't want to kills you (handcuffs are only for safety so you don't attack him) and then he drops keys few meters away from you (so you can unhandcuff yourself when he will be already away). Another thing. I think that we should have access to others players inventory (maybe not access to every clothing, but backpacks and "long weapons" they have on back) when they put their hands up. I mean why do I have to restrain him? If he surrenders, put his hands up then I should have option to check some of his clothing (for example backpack). What do you think about this?

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Make him sit ( I think it's F3 or F4 ), then he cant punch you. Then just use your cuffs in your quick bar to equip cuffs and you have your prisoner :)

Edited by LoveAffair

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Make him sit ( I think it's F2 or F3 ), then he cant punch you. Then just use your cuffs in your quick bar to equip cuffs and you have your prisoner :)

Or make him go prone, or tell him to drop all his stuff and then walk ten steps back, if he doesn't, shoot his legs, they'll break and he won't run.

On the possibly to handcuff oneself, I agree, it should be in the game, so should the possibility to fake handcuff yourself, I, as a bandit, like to stay on a populated road with my hands up to ambush people, but the hands up technique is a well know fake nowadays, so I'd like to be able to take the same position as a guy handcuffed WITHOUT having been handcuffed

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Yeah, yet I think self handcuffing would be a nice thing anyway.

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