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Server hopping

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I do my very best not to do this, traveling large distances on foot to try and find what I need usually only switching servers on a restart.


With the latest 0.55 patch I have seen a massive increase in the amount of server hopping, you easily see from in game how dry some servers are, makes me wonder if a large part of the problems with the Central Economy have been caused by server hoppers, with loot supposed to be going to areas less populated, if players are hopping 15-20 servers in all the major, minor, military and jeep/truck spawns on the map, is the loot just simply not being able to be spawned in? I do love the update however and hope that today's hotfix doesn't take away too much of the challenges we've all been facing recently.


I would like to see however a massive increase in consequence for server hopping, something to take effect if you've hopped more than 3 times say, to allow for server restarts and bad luck. You could increase the timer, but I don't see that as effective enough, I would like to see either a random chance (increase the chance with every hop)  of loot being removed from your inventory every time you hop or you being spawned in a Random location after hopping for a third time. I'm sure some of you may have more creative ideas on how this could be implemented.


I know that many players will not agree with this idea as server hopping is the only way they find loot, well, sorry, you guys are just being too lazy in my opinion, yes loot is sometimes sparse but I thought that was the point, you have to go and look for it. The amount of you server hopping right now is destroying the game for those of us trying to play in the proper spirit of the game. If you disagree fine, just please keep it polite, I can.


Thank you

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The 0.55 loot update was initially designed for you to be a traveller on one server. As there was a minimum and maximum amount of loot allowed on the server and once the minimum was reached for items, they started respawning, not in the past as a total reset every 4 or so hours.

This made it better to be on higher pop servers as respawning was suppose to be active.

I personally tried both techniques during 0.55 in both coastal towns and northern towns; certainly there was a vast reduction in loot and forced you to search all buildings, but I did not find server hopping useful. 


I agree server hopping should be more limited. Perhaps making your character server static? but then you're screwed over when the server owner stops paying the bill :P


PS. The idea of tents also makes this issue MORE of a problem... eg. hopping to another server near your tent and gathering is FAR faster than lugging it back

Edited by benji_milo

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The 0.55 loot update was initially designed for you to be a traveller on one server. As there was a minimum and maximum amount of loot allowed on the server and once the minimum was reached for items, they started respawning, not in the past as a total reset every 4 or so hours.

This made it better to be on higher pop servers as respawning was suppose to be active.

I personally tried both techniques during 0.55 in both coastal towns and northern towns; certainly there was a vast reduction in loot and forced you to search all buildings, but I did not find server hopping useful. 


I agree server hopping should be more limited. Perhaps making your character server static? but then you're screwed over when the server owner stops paying the bill :P


PS. The idea of tents also makes this issue MORE of a problem... eg. hopping to another server near your tent and gathering is FAR faster than lugging it back

This is also what raises the most questions with me as well.  I'm wondering what kind of effect there will be on a servers economy if a group of people server hop alot and bring the equipment all back to this single server.  Will said server then become loot barren because these guys have packed so much crap from other servers in their camp?

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This is also what raises the most questions with me as well.  I'm wondering what kind of effect there will be on a servers economy if a group of people server hop alot and bring the equipment all back to this single server.  Will said server then become loot barren because these guys have packed so much crap from other servers in their camp?


This was touched on slightly by the team. Basically at the moment if, for example, player A,B,C and D all were in a group, all used a M4 and all had complete full inventories of 5.56 rounds, they then decided "hey let's jump to another server!".

So lalala they jump over to a 40/40 pop server and player E,F,G,H all have the same stuff on the new server.

This can then cause a maximum threshold on that item and cause it to vanish from players EFGH.

And from my understanding of the current economy, if they did hoard all the loot in one server and hop around, it would cause that one server to hit its maximum faster and yes, make loot even more scarce due to it hitting that threshold.

The only way for it to, i guess, refix, is by new people replacing their stuff or of course our lovely persistence wiping wednesdays

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