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Excuse my English, I used the google translator.

Does anyone know where I can post some observations with reference to power in the game that I'm finding it difficult to someone who can do something answer me?

The question is:

As my observations made in the game, after these latest changes noticed that the food cans were virtually banned, that is, if you have in a city, has very few, only this is bad for now, and explain why. I'm not a player so new to dayz, I know the food of the same possibilities.

Plantations: When the player is born, he is born hungry to do any planting, need a pick / hoe, the specific seed as it has those revitalize hydration and not the energy, one compartment water, be it a bottle or canteen.

well, this is quite complicated even to get, really, have to be lucky to put it all together. I just throw karmanovka and got: Compost, wrench and crowbar, many clothing and books, a pumpkin seed (saving if appropriate). But I found the hoe, pick, ax (to make bow and arrows) did not think NOTHING of food in the city, only found water and a lot of zombies wanting mei liver, then went down to the factory, I found nothing there too, so I spent to Novodimitrovsk, went into some 30 homes and found nothing.
NOTE: I go into all the garages and even those patents that have loose between the houses and NOTHING

Hunting: Forget hunting, there is the possibility hungry wander in the middle of nowhere without a gun, knife, and gas equipment to not get sick, same difficulties for plantations, even worse why loose in the middle of nowhere to discourage because chances to hunt something and have all the extrutura to cook food there, even if not cook, find the right tree for the bow is a birth, and snare of colelho forget, you know, let's face it haha

Cans of food: well, there are almost the only times I'm managing to survive is when I find a bag of rice or cereal that revitalizes al have enough time to be able to find other things, to migrate to towns, but also do not have nearly nothing, but I have more time to assemble the "quits", find a truck or something, no truck is complicated survive because no energy is not exchange city on foot.

I do not think items in the most logical places, for example, am finding drugs in latrines, but enters a hospital has nothing (???) to i think, someone has passed through here, but to see the difference when someone passed or not, no matter how chaotic it is the world a hospital to have nothing? garages are empty, when I speak of is empty of not meeting a thermometer and not find a tire iron, for example, are illogical the respawns. Weapons forget lately only against arms in factories, on the floor under a marquee, ai has 3 types of support for AK74, ammunition 5mm, clothes, etc. But within the bases where security would have nothing, what is the logic? someone ran the bases and hid in the open in front of them? hehe


Food: They want to end the food cans? great! I am the first to find cool, but have to give actual conditions of survival. Respawn one player in a city that would have food and enough material to only 2 or 3 other catch everything, and have passed the same does not. We are speaking here of survivability and no luck. The time that a player can go to a forest and animals have to kill in the event of city already looteada (which is quite common) already help a lot. My cousin was born 4 times in elektro, but had nothing left to find there, catamos it all, from north to south, west to east, died 4 times there and nothing, hey, then respawna in a city that has how to stay since there is no hunting (I say this for the difficulty of the material and find the game) when I talk to remain, at least in the city has a lost hoe, perhaps in the side has a seed, but it caluclado for each player if not, the hunger for death is certain. Even at other times being born in the same place and knowing that has nothing, we played for the interior, we got there with the urge to have at least one food and had nothing in a city like Tynta, for example, NOTHING, or hoe, simply nothing but zombies to give with stick. Oh tell me, how to survive when neither the conditions can be created. I speak not of lack of capacity, because I know fish, hunt know, know to farm, I know the possbilidades, but not the time to do, have to count on luck to get out in a place that no one has passed since a person can lootear a every city with the best things, because a crowbar is for nothing, then the guy will choose to take a crowbar or a shovel that can plant? an ax or a wheel wrench? hahaha

Meaning the game

Objectives: In the mod there are the good guys and bad guys, say that in this game the guy get all the best things and not short PVP, lack a plus in the game, a goal, whatever an invasion somewhere surrounded by NPC, which do the players act more together that only PVP, I'm not bandit, not short PVP then the game is over for me? survived, I'm ready to make vegetable and fish, I do not have what to do if you can go through the first steps or expect to die? have to have a plus :) believe that, as in the mod, could be a way to be part of something extra to the game, but that too is secondary at the time, only to have the possibilities of survival have to cheer me up play again.

Thanks, and sorry for the giant text, like much of the game and do not want to stop playing, so I'm here

Playing now:
Now I left in Solnichniy (Conhe Bh) look what I got digging throughout the city (full of zombies) plus the length of the street to the west. Died of starvation, again, 4th today. I found nothing to create Hunting Equipment and planting, is no longer survival, is luck.

Edited by suportesouza

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get off the coast...pronto.....



Only piece of advice I can give you.

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Here is an example. I found water, but did not stop it futile to be hydrated is not food. This is my record, as I was born, I died, I found NOTHING and looked to each corner of said already. Guess where I'm going to cheer me playing again knowing that I will be born again in a place that will not have anything, I'll just waste my time?



Edited by suportesouza

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try joining low population servers to try and gear up... there will be hardly any loot on the coast for mid to high population servers... even low population servers loot is difficult to find. hope for a cherno spawn and run to the western houses... then run up to the apartments and check the car spawns... then try and make your way west... then north... loot is spawning pretty well when you get to the west of the map. if you do spawn on the coast near a harbor... climb the cranes... i have found loot all the way to the top before.


good luck, you'll need it.

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Basically repeating what I said in another thread; head in land. Run to towns that you wouldn't have otherwise ran to; in my adventures towns without police stations have had plenty. Look in places that before the patch had no loot such as outhouses and cranes if they are any. There's more than enough loot about to at least get you to the point of growing crops or hunting animals, it just requires a bit more effort than before. Alternatively you can wait for servers to restart and clean up towns along the coast and a bit further in like Nadezhdino and Orlovets.

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