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Lee einfield vs Crossbow

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I am somewhere north in a barn, and I had a lee einfield with 10 shots, but I found a crossbow with 3 shots. I know I can keep picking up crossbow ammo, but I despiratly need to head back toward electro for food and water, as I am having no luck north, and an Einfield is great for PVP. yet the crossbow is silent, so i can kill zombies and unluckly players without drawing attention. What is the best choice in this situation? would a crossbow always be better than an einfield due to its silence? even if it lacks range? The crossbow basically has unlimited ammo as long as i pick up shots

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No luck up north finding food and water?


What the hell are you doing?

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The Crossbow is currently underpowered due to the sights being very hard to aim with. Most people would prefer the Lee Enfield. However, I've found that with a bit of practice, the crossbow is great due to the silence of it.

It's all a matter of preference, but the Lee Enfield isn't nicknamed "The Dinner Bell" for nothing.

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North of elektro is barren for a long time man, don't hate on him... Anyway, I suggest the Enfield, players are always the bigger threat. Find a sidearm to deal with zombies.

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If you are "out and about", the enfield is ok to clear Deerstands. For closing in on a village with multiple contacts, I'd go for a side arm weapon; even better stow away the Enfield and use crowbar/hatchet (and possibly soon a baseball bat).

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I'm new to day z (not to arma) and was just curious. It also sucks that each shot takes 1 inv slot. I haven't had much luck in terms of food and water in barns, but i do have a hatchet and lots of misc ammo. Now if i just found a sidearm.... But I think I will keep the einfield and drop it and use my hatchet if need be (then run back and grab it of course) but thanks for the input. Any other north raiding advise would be welcome while im here

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Lee Enfield.

The problems with the crossbow are many, and the pros weighing against the cons are few.

And against players? The bolts tend to hang in the air after they hit the target, and the opposing player can look at it and tell EXACTLY where you fired from. Plus, you need more than 1 bolt to kill a player, and the reloading seems to take forever in a firefight, which WILL happen.

Also, the bolts tend to glitch and disappear, hide under bodies, or go through the target and disappear far, far away. So, go with the Lee Enfield. Just don't fire it often, or you'll find that the old nickname 'rings' true.

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Follow the road north from Elektro (never stay south) until you hit another town. You will find food in houses (some of the unenterable houses have spawns in the doorways). Keep following roads north, you will find other plentiful towns that are not warzones.

Also, check barns and try to find a winchester. Much safer for disposing of zeds.

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Any other north raiding advise would be welcome while im here

Berezino on the east coast will yield loot comparable to Cherno, or better, due to the fact that there are more apartments, two foodmarts, a military tent section and tons of deer stands around.

Theres a dirt road between the north of it and Khelm, which is a worthless town to the northwest of BZ, if you follow that road, it will take you almost directly to the northeast airfield, in which you may find military weapons. Keep to the roads while up north, they are much safer than coastal roads, but if you find a compass and map, don't be afraid to cut through fields and forests. Who knows, maybe you'll find a heli crash. Lootspots of note are as follows.

Heli Crash

Pure luck to find one of these, I've gone days between them, sometimes I find 4 in a night.


This is in the Northwest Airfield only, and is dangerous country.




Deer Stands

Starry Sobor


These will spawn your cans, tools, and low level weapons and ammo. Can be found at any town, but you should look for foodmarts, large brick buildings, and the wood cabins. I've had the best luck for loots in those. Camo will also spawn in these locations.

The best cities for civilian loot (purely by volume of loot) are, in decending order



Starry Sobor

Novy Sobor


Hope that helps

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Thanks for the help. I'm not exactly sure where I am, but I'll keep following the road (hidden in the forest nearby, of course) until I see a sign. cheers!

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Take the Enfield.

With the Hatchet, being ridiculously overpowered: one hit kill, unlimited use, just as silent, the crossbow lost the little use it has.

I actually use my hatchet exclusively against zombies. best zombiekiller in the game.

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Next time you go to elektro dont leave without a box of matches, hunting knife, canteen and hatchet.

That's all you need to survive in the woods.

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I didn't go to electro, I foregoed all cities and ran for the hills

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Crossbow in its current form sucks, ammo takes to many slots. The ironsight... moving on, if the server has CH enabled its allright but the hatchet outshines it atm. Sure its close range but it kills zombies in one hit, silent and has unlimited uses.

The lee enfield is a great anti player weapon, and thats it. Sure you can shoot zombies with it but its such an awesome rifle that zombies from the next town and all the dead relatives in the graveyard will come and have a look at it while enjoying you for a light lunch time snack.

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