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Game Suggestion: Walky Talky system

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Hello again,

Here is another double edged sword idea that I thought may add new social options to improve grouping and friendlies, but at the same time also be used by bandits to snoop.

So without boring you too much the idea would be that you can get a tool item (one that goes into your special pouch like matches, toolbox etc) which would be a walky talky. The idea being that the radios (cant be bothered saying Walky Talky all the way through), have multiple channels, lets say 24.

Now lets say you are 2 of your buddies have them, you agree to use channel 18 so everyone turns their radios on and puts them to channel 18, now while on there in the context menu (the square bracket one) you would be able to do a set of predefined actions with it. Lets say the actions would be like so:

1) Send current position (assuming you have a map and compass)

- Which would tell everyone else on channel 18 your coordinates, so they could go on their map and see where you were, or some indication to players where the persons rough location is.

2) Ask for help on channel (would put out a call for help again with a position if you had map and compass)

- This would be much like the one above but the default text blurb that would appear on the console would notify you that it was in need of help.

3) Send noise

- This one would just send noise down the channel which would cause radio crackling etc making noise. Perfect for when you are a bandit and know someone is nearby on your channel and want the zombies to lynch them.

There are many other applications but lets just assume those are the ones for the moment, the idea is that although there would be some situations where some people may want to keep updated with their friends in game as to where they are assuming they get separated when zombies lynch them, or when someone has found a tent or something and wants to radio it in. The trick to it all though is that its not secure so anyone could hear in, so if you report something as found anyone else on that channel could hear it.

The main social thing being it makes certain tasks easier such as grouping and requesting help from people (if you can find a radio) but at the same time opens you up to bandits or other looters, and in some cases could cause you to be compromised when sneaking if someone else knows your channel and wants to give your positions away to nearby zombies/players.

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Problem is using them for voice comms is pointless, as everyone will either use TeamSpeak/Vent/Skype etc for private voice comms, so as much as it would be great to use them as a way for in game voice comms between certain people, it would just not work. However using them as a Becon style system so you can alert other people on a channel seemed like something that may be slightly useful. It may sound complicated but its basically the same as having X amount of private chats and sending text macros between people, but others can snoop.

It would be good even if you could just use them as a private text chat between people who meet up in game and don't share voice comms it would be useful. As I guess not everyone will be on the same voice chat channel if they use voice chat at all.

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By implementing/using something like ACRE would be a great asset for groups to communicate more realistic.

It also gives the oppertunity (for bandits) to scan the channels and try to figure out where others are. By having multiple types of radios, it would be possible to secure the channel or have limits at distances (simple walkie-talkie vs radio pack vs vehicle mounted radio rack).

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