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FIX - Addon 'CorePatch' requires addon 'CAAir_ACR_L159'

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  1. Open steam 
  2. Right click Arma2: Operation Arrowhead
  3. Click properties
  4. Select betas tab.
  5. In the drop down select opt out of all beta programs


For anyone having an issue with a popup during the launch of dayzMod

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Note sure if this is related, and/or is the fix for the problem I am having: For the last 2-3 days this error has been displayed on the server console when a player is trying to connect to the server:
Wrong signature for file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\addons\corepatch.pbo
Not sure what changed or how to resolve this!?

Are we still supposed to be opting into the Beta for Operation Arrowhead? When opting out, these corepatch files are removed but the prerequisites for say "update to the newest beta" <- doesn't say beta of what, but I would assume the beta OA files.


Arma 2, Arma2 OA, and DayZ client were downloaded with Steam.

Thanks for the guidance in advance!

Edited by Constrictor

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After "Verifying Game Cache" again today I have noticed the "Corepatch" files have been updated today and the issue with players being kicked for a wrong signature file as I mentioned above appears to have been resolved.

Edited by Constrictor

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