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My Feedback (Day1)

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Since this game is still in alpha I thaught I would make some comments on my first day experience.

First about me: I'm a 27 year old guy who loves playing games any my native language is german (No, I'm no german!).

So I bought the game at Steam for around 25€ yesterday and it was pretty hard to get the mod running but somehow I did it after downlaoding soem files, manually updating the mod itselfe and modifying a *.bat file.

I started out at the coastline and after about an hour I had a Shotgun with ammunition and some other tools. I really enjoyed sneaking around houses and looting them while avoiding zombies: This was fun! Well.. after some time I got finally killed by a zombie but I enjoyed my time. The ending was actually very fun to watch...

My 2nd character met another survivor after like 2 minutes in the game. As I wandered to him a zombie started chasing us both so we run of. After 2-3 minutes of running the other guy hit me with his axe, so I dropped and the zombies ate m while he run away.. Was a new experience for me but hell I enjoyed it..

I want to mention here that the GUI is one of the most terrible things I ever had to play with. I eneded a youtube video to understand the meaning of the backpack and I'm still unable to jump over fences. I saw the guy who killed my 2nd character do it but how? I would really appreciate an answer on the fence jumping issue! :)

With my 3th character I got very quickly 2 sets of weapons, a 20 slot backpack, a knife, a hatchet and a lot to eat and to drink.. but how did I made this that quickly? Well let me point out two things:

1.)Every time I got chassed by a zombie I just left the server and relogged.. so It was impossible to kill me..

2.) After finding some good stash I just switched to another server and.. there was new stuff to loot at the same place.

It made me very sad to discover that logging out saves your character since I enjoyed getting chassed for a long time ... also the looting abuse is kinda annoying...

I want to mention here that I killed my 3th character on purpose because I wanted to team up with a friend and couldn't finde my way back to the coast without that. Playing in a team was almost double the fun to be honest but finding each other was hard. Maybe there should be done soemthing about making it easier to team up with new players.

So far, I really like this game and will give it another try today. I'm just annoyed by the abuses possible (Don't tell me to just not do it.. please...)

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I would really appreciate an answer on the fence jumping issue! :)

When you are directly in front of a fence, press V (vault). Sometimes this works with barbed wire, too ;)

About the server hopping to get gear - it's indeed a useful exploit (that needs fixing) but it can get you killed quite easily, as your character may spawn before you can move. If there is someone there, then you're screwed ;)

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Ok i have one question.

Where did you get the new backpack? I have been playing for days now and have NEVER seen one.

Describe the type of building you found it in.

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Ok i have one question.

Where did you get the new backpack? I have been playing for days now and have NEVER seen one.

Describe the type of building you found it in.

Good places to get backpacks are:

1. Supermarket (for example in Cherno, Elektro, Stary,...)

2. Flats (for example the 5 red flats with 2-3 stories next to the hospital in western Cherno)

3. Wooden toilets (but watch out, closing the door accidently while you're in it may get you injured or even killed)

Edit: If you see a backpack on the ground and you don't have the menu option to pick it up, first pick up every other item around it. The option will only show when the backpack is the only thing at this loot spot.

Edit 2: To be safe, first drop everything from your old backpack to the ground, before replacing it with the new one. Otherwise your old one might disappear with all items in it.

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Ok i have one question.

Where did you get the new backpack? I have been playing for days now and have NEVER seen one.

Describe the type of building you found it in.

I'm afraid it was inside a normal house in a town which had an open door.

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I found an ALICE backpack in the first house I entered when spawned somewhere in Elektro (with harbor cranes to the left).

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