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[AG] or [AG-1] please avoid server with these players, they just nuked Dallas 1. Also do not currently join Dallas 1 as you will die immediatley joining, they just seem to "teleport" to you and start killing you. Not saying this because I was killed once. I was killed when joining, then I respawned at Kamenka, died. Spawned at Elektro, died. One last time at Balota, died. Avoid if possible!

Lost it all, but oh well. Time to start fresh!

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You have no proof so nothing will happen (seems it never does anyway), yet I have had similar experiences with Dallas 1 and the AG clan. You can normally find 6-7 of them in their server in the wee hours of the morning flying choppers around.

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Yeah, I was only giving a fair warning to other players. I hate to see someone work hard at earning things in a game just to lose them to some low life hacking clan.

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there was a hacker recently who was known to teleport to people killing basically the entire server what makes you think it was [AG] or [AG-1]?

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Ya my group of friends had alot of issues with the [AG] clan. We killed 4 of them when there was only 4 of them on and 30sec after killing them, they teleported beside us with all their gear and killed us and gave our models the models of white survivors with only a flashlight. Then proceeded to restart the server promptly afterwards so we couldnt have a chance of getting our gear back, even though they deleted it and modified out dead body models. This was about 2/3 weeks ago. Server is blacklisted on our side.

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