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Barn House Shenanigans

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So I was approaching the barn just south of Novy Sabor to meet my friend at Stary, When I come across two players running to the very same barn, already aiming down their sights at me. I took aim with my Winchester and dropped one of them just outside the barn entrance, then sprinted around back to take cover inside. The other guy, who I think was named Mike Jones (or something like that), had attracted some zombies and was moving in on me. He ran up the stairs and started picking the zombies off. Then he saw me downstairs and just as he looked down his barrel, I took two shots at his chest and saw him fall over and blood poor through the floor.

At this point, about 5 zombies were in the barn, and after killing most of them one of them glitched through the wall behind me and broke my leg. After killing him, I fell unconscious and was yelling for my buddy to come help me in the barn.

As I came to, my friend said he was really close. I saw someone enter the barn and thought it was him. To my horror, it was actually two people, one with a Winchester, the other an Enfield. The one with the Enfield was behind some boxes for cover and immediately started firing at me. He somehow missed, and I shot him in the head. The other guy ran up the stairs and I shot him dead on the spot. Despite my heart pounding so hard it was smashing into my ribs and actually shaking in real life, I saw the nametag of the guy I killed. It was Mike Jones, again. He somehow managed to make it all the way back to the barn in less than five minutes and already had a Winchester and ammo for it, along with some consumables.

As soon as my friend got there and helped me finish off the zombies that were flooding in, we went outside and looked for a car. We assumed that would be the only way he could have gotten back up so fast. We never found one and it was getting late, so we both decided to call it a night and look for morphine in the morning. It was another great night of DayZ, the only game that can make me have such a real reaction to this kind of situation.

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There are 2 types of hackers.

The idiot: He nukes the world. Spawns ac130 and flies all over flaunting his hacking prowess.

The mommas boy: This guy is halfway smart in that he hides his hacking by only using items that are legit days items, uses ESP to know when to run away instead of attack. etc..

Sounds like your guy was a mix of the two.

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Could be. It was pretty satisfying killing him a second time, I heard him swearing on direct chat right after I shot his friend with the Enfield.

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Its possible that they were both part of a larger group that had a stash somewhere, and they simply rearmed off that. But yeah, 5 minutes in impossibly fast, even for that.

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I was honestly more consumed in surveying the carnage that had unfolded. About seven dead zombies on the first floor, with two dead players spraying blood everywhere. On the second floor, about five more zombies at the top of the stairwell and another player pouring blood to the floor below. Outside, even more dead zombies and a player dead in the entryway. It was a sight to behold. The guy may have been hacking or he may have hidden a vehicle nearby, but either way it made for a hell of a fight.

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It's a glitch, I had it happen to me before. You die, but for some reason when you disconnect and reconnect you respawn only a short distance from where you died, with all your gear and intact health from minutes before.

I think it is an issue with the game not saving for a minute or so, then when you rejoin it reloaded old information and thinks you are still alive.

I'm not a hacker. It's a bug. Deal with it. Atleast you killed those guys.

EDIT: My friends and I refer to it as the 'Jesus Glitch' or 'Jesus Revive'.

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Yeh I've had a couple friends have this glitch happen to em.. one spawned nearby his corpse with his gear on him and was able to loot himself for double the gear. And another friend died and respawned in Novy (he died in a forest near Stary).

So not a hacker.. just a very lucky guy with a very rare spawn glitch.

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