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Game Suggestion: Horses as vehicles (Or Motorbikes)

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Hi there,

I started playing on friday and this is probably the best game (even though its technically just a mod) I have played in years. I was having a discussion with some friends and to be honest I think the game is perfect as it is, but if you were ever thinking of new features I thought of a few. Here is one of those "gems".

As there are quite a plethora of vehicles in this game that are available if you can do them up, I was wondering how feasible it would be to included horses?

We have other wild animals, and if you were to use the mechanic like cars so you would need to get a saddle from a farm and you could ride it for a while, and maybe have some horse feed like the fuel tanks for the car.

This would probably cause more hassle for players than they are worth thinking about my previous experiences with horses in games, as they would give off more sound, make you easier to see, making you a generally easier target.

HOWEVER! They would be great for people to temporarily ride long distances if needed, but again like everything in this game it would be a double edged sword.

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Horses? Who needs horses?

Just let me ride on one of those wild boars, while wielding an M249. THAT would be awesome. ;)

Anyway, this is something that would require a lot of work to implement properly. I wouldn't expect it to happen.

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No worries, would it be easier to substitute Horses for Motorbikes and saddle for wheels?

It would just be nice for all those lone bandits/rangers out there to have something slightly easier to create than a car, but not as protective.

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Well, ArmA has motorbikes (even bicycles). I'm not sure if they spawn, but I've seen a couple of ATVs.

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Ah didnt know there were ATVs, I only bought the game this weekend gone and only to play DayZ. Googled but didnt find any information about single manned vehicles in the mod.

If it already has ATVs I am happy, having bicycles would be epic, especially if you could ring a bell on it while cycling through town.

(Going off topic) its funny how every time I think "it would be cool if this mod had X feature" then suddenly I find out it has, like tents, water pumps etc. Keep up the good work!

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