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Noob questions

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Starting at night seems to yield some problems. If I could get some answers to these questions...it would be great!

1. How do I turn on my flashlight. I've tried "L"....it doesn't work. Looking at my command screen, I can't find anything that works in its place.

2. Do I need to equip my flashlight or is it always on the off hand?

3. How do I go from 1st to 3rd person. I've tried the "enter" key on my number pad... it doesn't work either.

Any help would be appreciated!

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I never use it but I believe you have to right-click on it and there will be an option to equip it...it takes up your secondary weapon slot so make sure you put it in your backpack or it may get deleted (glitch). Personally, I don't think this is very realistic since you can hold both a pistol and a flashlight with relative ease in real life.

For 3rd Person you are pressing the right button (assuming you left it default)...some servers simply don't allow 3rd person...check the server title before you join look for "3P OFF" or something to that effect.

Hope that helps!

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1: If you haven't already, you must equip the flashlight by right clicking it in your toolbelt and "Remove from tool-belt" This will take up your secondary slot. When it is done doing the equipping animation press L and wait a moment. It should work. WARNING: Bugs may occur if you attempt to equip the flashlight while holding a secondary firearm.

2: If you want to use it you must have it equipped as your secondary, yes this is a little counter-productive but using it to find friends in the dark is one of the main uses of it. Try finding a weapon with a build-in flashlight

3: As the previous person stated you may be on a server that does not allow Third person. Look at the "Host" (name of the server) and see if it says something like "3RDP OFF" Switch between servers and keep on trying. If it continues to not work try to reset your bindings to default.

Sorry for repeating it after Plutonium said it. Just seemed a little unclear the way he said it.

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If you are just starting out, check out the GuideZ channel for info as well.

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