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DayZ Server Control Center

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Hey, guys! I was messing around with the DayZ Server Control Center and I definitely have some questions. Lol :-)


1. Does it install rMod2.1 or do I have to download and install it manually?


2. I get this message (see attached) when I start the Control Center. I know that it is in fact updated to 112555. Should I just ignore this?


3. Also, before I get ahead of myself, I deleted my Arma 2 and ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead directories and then re-installed them from a fresh backup. I then went to Steam and started both of the games. I also verified the game cache so that it would update. Do I need to merge my Arma 2 and ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead directories in order for things to work properly? I checked to see if Arma 2 was enabled in Expansions and it is, but when I started the game I got the 'CA_Dubbing_Countattack' message and it went away after I merged the directories. I thought Combined Operation should have fixed that. By the way, I have the Arma X: Anniversary Edition so I know I have all the necessities. It was super cheap on Steam about a year ago! ;-)


Sorry for the long post, but my brain was beginning to hurt after troubleshooting for a long time on my own so I figured I would ask you guys.


Thanks in advance! :-)


- Alex


Edited by ShoobieStomper

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I'm pretty sure of the answer the dev team will give, so I'll go ahead and say it myself: Dayzcc isn't supported directly by the mod team, so you'll probably have to address your issue directly on the dayzcc.org site.


Regarding the CA_Dubbing_Countattack' message: You need to add the Arma 2/addons folder and all its content in your arma 2 Operation Arrowhead folder

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Oh, gotcha! Well, my apologies. I actually logged in to give an update. I pretty much answered all of my questions.


1. rMod2.1 doesn't install through the Control Center. It must be downloaded separately.


2. This message can be ignored because everything is working great!


3. Oh, and I did just that as I stated above. I still don't understand why you have to do this because I thought that's what Combined Operations accomplished.


Regarding the CA_Dubbing_Countattack' message: You need to add the Arma 2/addons folder and all its content in your arma 2 Operation Arrowhead folder

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I'm not exactly sure about the folder architecture for Combined Operations, since I've bought the 2 games separately. However, the addon files need to be in the same main folder (aka Operation Arrowhead) in order for the server to locate them.

Glad you were able to fix your issues  B)

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