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Looking to Start/Join Group or Clan

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Hi fellow players, 

Call me Albert if you will.

Been playing Dayz Mod for awhile now and am looking to finally have a decent clan or group with me while i play. 

It can be a group already made or a clan already made, If not either, i surely still would like to group with some people and or potentially create our own clan

Best things I am able to do is medium to far range combat (50-900 Meters), or combat poilet. I've been a medic for a clan before, so anyone looking for an experienced medic I've done it for about 6 months before.

17, USA Illinois, Central TIme. Time zone does not matter please be in America or Canada

Usually on:

Week days: Sun-Thurs 4pm-10pm

Week ends: Fri-Sat: 4pm-12am(or later)


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Please message me if interested!!

I play on Epoch, Overpock and can redownload panthera.

Edited by altulo4

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Hey man, check out my clan, we're a weekday/weekend overpoch clan that needs 1 or 2 more players to complete the roster

hop on our ts3 server @ nexfps.com:9050

We will be in "Battlecraft Gaming" Channel, look for "Ryan", "Jeep" or "Dodge".

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