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Inside/Outside 3pp Camera Distance

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Have you ever played a game that when you go inside the camera gets a little closer to give you a feeling that your not in an open area anymore?


What I'm saying is, what if when you walk in a building or enclosure, the 3pp camera gets a little closer to "tense up" the room, and make it feel almost more lifelike.

This should really be done in a non-linear flowing smooth motion.

I made a diagram to just give the general idea. And no, I'm not a 4 year old, but my drawing skills are.



Just a thought I had when reading some DayZ news. tell me what you think.

Edited by AadamZ5

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To be honest I would love a camera overhaul. The best example I can think of is The Last of Us, because even though it was a third (technically fourth) person game, it was a bit harder to wall peek with the camera.

There's also a mod for A3 that does this, I forget what its called but its used in the A3 Life mod.

I just think those views add immersion, look better and also slightly curb the 3pp peeking

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