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Legs breaking at 12000

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I just want to say i am not complaining right off the bat, i want to have constructive criticism.

It was my third day alive in the world of Dayz. I had killed a few "friendlies" and looted allot. I was what you could say loaded. I had an AKM, 1911, the biggest bag possible loads of meds and all the gadgets/supplies.

I had 12k blood, i hadn't taken a single hit. As I was meeting up with a friend in lapitino to fix a car. I was going north crawling through a field after completing my mission of a single car wheel. I didn't see a zombie and sight so i started to stealth run. About a couple of min later, a single decomposing eye spotted me miles away or followed my smell. I started running through no where no concerned at all making sure i was alone with my soon to be dead (deadeded?) friend. I was passing by a tree when i lagged the in the slightest of lag. The zombie tagged me once, and my luck ran out. The sudden fall and crack forced me to shoot the zombie. Here i was in the middle of no where with a dead zombie and broken legs and the one thing i didnt have morphine.

As you can see i was a little pissed having my experience ruined by one single hit that should never happened.

What do you guys think of being able to have broken legs upon a single hit, i have noticed that morphine is almost as precious as antibiotics. I understand that it is post to be realistic, but your going to have a numbered health system, you should not be so vulnerable when you are in the perfect condition. This has already happened to my friends and i countless times. Not that i dont like the idea, but it is a little bit of a fun killer and ruins the experiences of the game.

When posting do not just complain, give a reason or even better a solution with your post.

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I think the single hit bone breaking experience should exist only by falling from a high height. Your trouble was mostly lag here. If you fought a real zombie in real life it would certainly not be able to break your bones with one hit. They are surprisingly strong in movies, books etc though :)

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Expect to lose your stuff. Always, especially when you have an AKM, 1911 and a nice big bag.

Also, I make a point of having at least 1 morphine at any time. If I don't, I make a point of getting some of it. This so far has allowed me to deal with the one hit breaks, which in my experience happen only rarely.

But yes, I can understand the annoyance, but such is the game.

I;m pretty sure you would have been just as annoyed if you were stranded in the middle of nowhere, broken legs, with no morphine and 9k, instead of 12k health.

Morphine is important, always try to have some.

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Next DayZ build whenever it decides to come out..

* [FIXED] Too easy to break legs due to infected (reduced probability of leg damage, reduced amount of leg damage)

As far as the situation however I don't think you should have to be low on health before your leg breaks.. being alive for 3days and having an assortment of other player's loot just means your being too cautious if you didn't have a morphine by then. You can find an abundance of it at hospitals and with hatchets it gives you a very easy means of acquiring it without alerting the locals.

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It was a lagg in my screen not the server and i bumped into the tree lol. Yeah i always expect to lose my stuff. Right now i have a m4 camo SD. I LOVE that silencer. It is fucking awesome to be able to just take a zombie out with out alerting it or any others. When i part with that i will cry. I had used my morphine on a "friendly" as in heal me then i will kill you. But i killed him before he even hit me lol.

Next DayZ build whenever it decides to come out..

* [FIXED] Too easy to break legs due to infected (reduced probability of leg damage' date=' reduced amount of leg damage)

As far as the situation however I don't think you should have to be low on health before your leg breaks.. being alive for 3days and having an assortment of other player's loot just means your being too cautious if you didn't have a morphine by then. You can find an abundance of it at hospitals and with hatchets it gives you a very easy means of acquiring it without alerting the locals.


I am not saying like 6000 blood, more like anything below 11000.

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