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Looking for players or group to join PST

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I used to be a survivor like you but I took a round to the back exploring a Deer Stand. And so the solo journey must end, I'm looking for a few players or possibly a group to join. I'm 22, play on PST time. I have a mic for skype or TS/Vent you one is available.

Feel free to contact me here so we can group up.

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I'm 15 so you may not want to group up with somebody so young (Won't be offended) but if you still do, add me on steam (Same name) and we can try and find more people to play with since I would like to be a group of 3 - 10

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how fairly new is everyone to the game?

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I'm wanting to join a group also but my time for play is a bit limited at times :(

I'm 24 years old, have a mic and also Skype I guess if needed. MST Time Zone. Currently play after work mainly and that's around 11:30 PM. I've got Fridays and Saturdays off so that's my main "Playing" days.

I might be able to do morning runs as well if I'm not so tired :p

PM me if I can join or not. I understand if my schedule might get too much in the way of the groups playing time, but that's all I've got right now :(

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i got it yesturday but im willing to learn from a team and get better gonna be playing alot

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how fairly new is everyone to the game?

i got it yesturday but im willing to learn from a team and get better gonna be playing alot

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20 years of age here Looking for a Group also anyone here feel free to add me on steam Seach inqnCtrl or PM me for my skype

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Hit us up here, www.totalpunishmentgaming.com

We have our own server and a large group of survivors who work together, always looking for more.

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Me and a buddy would be interested in teaming up with you. We play in the same timezone.

We both have mics and vent/teamspeak.

My Steam name is "Shark" add me if you like.

Safe Travels.


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I'm from the US, 26 years old and im just looking for a mature group to roll around with. Ive played a lot of competitive games like HoN, Dota2, etc and I want to start playing day z with a decent group. I work Monday - Thursday until 9pm CST and am available to play on the weekends.

skype parliam3nt or pm me please

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25 years old. I also am pst and play mostly west coast servers. add on skype renekila if you need people to play with

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