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Super Noob Question

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This is going to sound super dumb but I have just purchased Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead, opened them both and installed Day-Z Mod when I run Day-Z mod how do I join a server? If I click on multiplayer I just get options for starting a lan game.





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Thanks for the response I installed commander which let me login once then I died now it says that I don't have the right version so I am doing the installs/updates in commander so hopefully soon :D

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Thanks for the response I installed commander which let me login once then I died now it says that I don't have the right version so I am doing the installs/updates in commander so hopefully soon :D


Hmm, commander is out of practice these days as far as I remember, best to use dayz launcher or steam itself.

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I think Steak's right, if you can use the in game server control thingy (<--- official, technical name) do as it's safe and up to date but sadly I just cannot get it to work for me. Interested to hear of DayZ Launcher.  Not sure what that is, as I had a year where I couldn't play due to borked pc. Will have to do a search for more info. 

Edited by Sula

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Still use Dayz Commander for old favs....  Dayz Launcher is good also.............


Some servers have launchers on their sites..........

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