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Infinite Unconsciousness

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Date/Time: 01/07/2012 10:30ish PM

What happened: Unable to recover from the unconscious state even after being bandaged and given a blood bag (though no epi-pen). Waited 5 minutes past the initial end of the unconscious timer (when it was completely empty), disconnected and rejoined to the same effect, and waited 10 minutes past the hour glass graphic stopped but still didn't regain consciousness.

Where you were: North East airfield in the Easterly most hanger.

What you were doing: Getting shot while looting.

*Server(s) you were on: Chicago 104

*Timeline of events before/after error: Was shot by a rifle (I think a lee einfield) and knocked unconscious by the shot. Friends pulled me into cover, bandaged me, and gave me a blood pack, no epi-pen was applied (I had one in my pockets that no one could remove, so none was given). The unconscious timer ran out. Waited another five minutes with an empty hour glass, then disconnected and reconnected only to lose consciousness again, and again the hour glass ran out (waited 10 minutes after this point to make sure), and still never revived. I'm now offline while my friends try to get an epi-pen in a last ditch effort to revive me. If that still doesn't work, I will update the post.

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