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Phoenix (DayZ)

Bandit to Survivor / loosing valuable items

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Date/Time: 5/15/2012

What happened: My humanity rose to about 1500 and I switched from my bandit skin into the standard survivor skin. The screen flashed, the cow in front of me disappeared (not a huge deal). The real problem was that it completely cleared my inventory of random valuable equipment. I lost two DMR mags, all my Winchester ammo, random items such as my canteens and flares in my main inventory, and most soul crushing of all it wiped my laser range finder as well.

This same issue (switching from bandit to survivor) had happened to my friend earlier in the week before the latest patch resulting in him loosing a M16 and all his mags.

Where you were: West of Lopatino in a large open field.

What you were doing: We had stashed a car on another server out in the trees and we were running across a field.

*Current installed version: 1.5.7

*Server(s) you were on: EU 8

*Your system specs: I don't know.

*Timeline of events before/after error:

1. I had collected the majority of my equipment (laser range finder included) two days before and had managed to stay alive and carry it.

2. Killed a guy on another server earning me the bandit skin.

3. Transferred to a few other servers trying to find a server without issues.

4. Entered EU8 in the middle of a field and took a few steps forward.

5. My skin changed from bandit to survivor and when I looked into my inventory my equipment was gone.

6. I noticed that there were zero zombies on the EU8 server and I realized the server was probably bugged and I logged into another to see if my equipment would return to no avail.

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