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Buggy character? Healthy status...

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Hi folks!


So I'm at a bit of a loss...my character is in a somewhat weird state.


I had him for a few days, i was always energized, hydrated and healthy, no problem.


Then I started a bit of a trip around the map and ran into some trouble with eating/drinking. At some point, the char was Stuffed, but not energized or hydrated at all. So to reset THAT, I forced him to vomit with loads of water and then got him right back up to bright green energized and hydrated.


Problem: At that point, the Healthy status went away, I didn't take ANY damage. And I haven't been able to get it back. I thought the char was cold and the UI didn't show it, but I sat next to a fire to dry and warm and burned through 15 logs of firewood with no change (altho he also never got hot) I've been keeping energized and hydrated bright green, but nothing...


Can anyone help me here? I'm at a loss....



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You can try take your boots off while running. Put them back on after the "My feet are sore, or my feet hurt" etc. That should fix this issue! Or just take a normal zombie hit!


Also after you vomit you loose the healthy status and need to regeain blood/health and they also made the regeneration slower in the latest big patch. But what I understand from your post, just try the shoe-trick! GL :)

Edited by larsehh_

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Solved it by getting shot. :rolleyes:  Apparently that shocked my char enough to get his act together.

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